Saturday, August 20, 2022

August 18, 2022 Heading to Rocky Mountain National Park kind of

August 18, 2022 Heading north to the unknown

My humans walked me around some grass.  I got to sniff it, and I chewed some.  There was water and I watched it till I heard this loud honk!  I ran my human back home.

It rained quite a bit yesterday, yet I still heard sprinklers in the middle of the night.  Argh…  Spouse joined me for some of my walk and we did our best to stay out of the mud.  Saw a doe with her fawn.  Hope it wasn’t the same one we saw last week as she had two fawns, this one only had one.  Saw a few houses with sprinklers going full throttle.  Must be from California…

We came back and got Hannah ready to travel.  I took Rudy for a walk along the creek behind Hannah.  He loved snorting and sniffing until he heard this loud HONK!  What was that?  He ran, dragging me back to Hannah.  It was actually a cow.  There is a pasture not far away with several cows.  They must be foreign as they do not know the word ‘moo’.  They let out loud honks, kind of like Jurassic Cows.  Poor Rudy must have thought it was Godzilla out there!

Once on the road, we headed east on hwy 50 once again over the beautiful Monarch Pass, then caught 285 north for another scenic ride up to Leadville.  Leadville, home to the Cuban café with those tasty Cuban sandwiches…  Spouse turned on a sidestreet to wait for me while I got the goods.  After a bit, a cop told him he had to move on just as I came up and hopped in.  Not 100 feet from here was a parking lot for Elks members.  It was a big dirt lot, perfect to pull Hannah into so that we could enjoy our sandwich with plantains.  Rudy insisted on exploring.  We tied him to some rocks so he could explore while we watched and we ate.  Oh yummy!  I am sure we probably could have stayed for days if we asked, but no need. Time to move on.

We headed north on hwy. 91 through some more boring Colorado scenery.  Does it ever get old?  Trees, meadows, rivers…  wait… that mine has totally stripped that mountain top…  I guess you gotta give somewhere. 

When we hit I70, we had to stay on it for 10 miles of pure insanity.  There were construction cones, and crazy people and it was sensory overload for me.  We got off on CR6, and turned north onto CR9.  Once away from the towns, we could enjoy the scenery.  It is high desert with the White River on our left and the Rockies on our right.  We were tired, saw a sign for a campground and pulled in.  It was the Macdonald Flats campground.  We saw a sign when we turned on the road about towing, so we figured it was our only option.  Turned out it wasn’t.  We maneuvered ourselves into an end site with a view of the river.  Our GPS had a few dispersed camping sites, but naw…  (I know I misspelled dispersed in my previous blogs…  sue me).  If we were one inch longer, we would not have fit in the spot without disconnecting.  As it was, maneuvering into position was way challenging.

Here we were with no reservations, sitting comfortable in a pretty location…  Easy as pie!  There was hardly nobody there, we could just sit and enjoy the lack of mind stimulation!

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