Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August 17, 2022 Rain? We scoff at you


August 17, 2022 Rain?  We scoff at you!

There is not enough food in my bowl.  My humans are sleeping.  I will turn my purr box on.  Lemme rub her muzzle.  Hmm, let me walk across her and rub his muzzle… let me walk across him and really turn my purr box on.

Woke up to rain.  IT was cold too.  My furry beast was snuggling beside me.  No hurry to take my walk.  It is pouring!  We were thinking of a good hike today… out of the question.

We had a relaxing morning until Spouse decided to cook breakfast and saw that we were out of propane.  He switched tanks and loaded the empty tank in the truck.  After breakfast while he took the tank, I figured I might as well do some cleaning until the rain lets up.  It finally let up a bit around 10, so I put on my rain poncho and walked the streets.  It was uneventful, but it was exercise.

The rain didn’t stop still almost 2.  Then we hopped in the truck to do a little local exploring.  One inch west of Gunnison is the Hartman Rocks recreation area.  Lots of off road trails.  We started to look, but it was wet and muddy… oh oh… we can’t turn around… Spouse put it 4W and up the steep muddy hill we went, bumping but holding firm.  At the top was great views and miles and miles of trails.  Bicyclist warriors were out in small numbers, and there were a few off road vehicles, but not many.  Surprisingly, the roads were ok.  They were very sandy so they weren’t muddy for the most part.  Only on the really steep hill was there killer mud.  The rocks are like the Santa Susanna Pass in Simi.  We channeled our inner monkeys and climbed around a bit.  We are in high desert.  If you look at the map, these trails can take you for a gazillion miles.  We trucked around a bit then headed back to the steep beast.  It was kind of like the Disneyland Ride of Indiana few spots up there for disbursed camping, but none suitable to bring Hannah.

I mentioned to Spouse that my observation was that the disbursed camping in general seemed to be unsuitable for Hannah.  No…  let’s check out this one here and he plugs it into the GPS bitch.  She takes us through town, then up a beautiful road past green meadows and ranches.  Then she tells us to turn… on a road that says it is private and no hunting.  We did a double take and saw that it was a forest road, so we turned on it.  Ok, this road is doable.  Then she told us to turn on another road…  We did… Oh no, we will never take Hannah over this rutty terrain.  We continued for about a half mile… then we saw a huge puddle.  While Spouse thought about how to tackle it, we sank.  OH yes we did.  We sank… Spouse put it in 4WD.  A little bit forward… a little bit back.  Oh how the wheels were spinning in place.  Oh yes… let’s bring Hannah back here…  He finally was able to back up and get the traction to hold on as we backed all the way up to the road where we could turn around.   When we turned on the paved road, we heard the dirt clods flinging around the wheel wells.  Yep, we be off roaders with mud on the tires… and the wheel wells… and the side of the truck…

It is still raining a few drops here and there but supposed to clear.  We will be heading north.  Don’t know when I will have wi-fi again.  We may stay in disbursed camping (I doubt it), we may stay in a campground, which for me is fun, or we may be in an RV park.  We are heading towards Rocky Mountain National Park.  There are so many rules and restrictions to get in.  If we do, we do.  If we don’t, we will start moving west most likely.  To be determined… 

If I don’t post, hang tight.  I do write every day.  Oh, and one thing I forgot to tell you yesterday when we were in paradise in the Gunnison National Forest…  saw lots of marmots, even a big bubba!  Oh they are so cute, except when they run under your truck…  but we didn’t hit one, thankfully..

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