Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 6, 2022 Backroads to Paradise


Saturday August 6, 2022  Back roads to Telluride

I saw it!  I chased it but I didn’t catch it.  But I am watching for it…  I will get it… it’s a mousie and I can taste it already! 

We are staying at the Riverside RV park in Ouray.  The park is on the Uncompahgre River and a trail runs alongside the river, crossing over and continuing in about a 2 mile loop.  And this was my morning walk.  The mountains are so steep that the sun won’t make it down to street level for a couple of hours, so although I had my visor and sunglasses, they weren’t needed.  The state has spent a lot of time cleaning the watershed as it was trashed during heavy mining.  But now it is clean and bubbling with life.

After a brief breakfast, we packed a lunch, and with Jake and Lynn, we headed to take on some back roads to Telluride.  Geographically, we are only about 15 miles from Telluride, but there is no easy access by highway so it takes about 50 miles to get there.  Off road… well there are lots of options.  We did not feel like taking the white knuckle trails, so we opted for some easier off road trails.  The Last Dollar Road starts as a decently graded dirt road.  The landscape boasts enormous ranches with alpine meadows with both mountain and valley views.  Green is the color.  Green up the mountain with large stands of aspens, then pines.

After a while, the road gets a bit more challenging and much slower.  The road is narrow with lots of ruts and rocking.  Aspens with pines, then pines with aspens.  Sweeping views of alpine forever surround us.  The temperature is in the mid 60s with puffy white clouds.  Wild flowers of various colors pop up all around, and there is hardly anybody out here.  It is ours… all ours… and it is magnificent!  Words cannot describe the beauty!

The road climbs through Last Dollar Pass, which is a very steep narrow slice on the side of a mountain.  We did have to pass one car and it just so happened it was at a spot where two cars could pass one another, otherwise, it could get ugly!  We stopped on a perch overlooking an alpine paradise, and a view for a gazillion miles.  To the left you could see the Telluride ski area, and a few of the multimillion dollar homes on huge parcels.  In front and to the right, was a gorge, then a mesa covered in green, with only a few sparsely spaced homes and then a valley.  Stunning place for us to eat our lunch.

We talked to some people about taking another trail…  they told us about ‘heart attack hill’, and that was enough to scare us off!  We will find another easier off road trail for tomorrow.

After lunch, we drove into Telluride for an ice cream.  It is an old mining town that is a haven for tourists.  The chairlifts for the ski area are moving up the steep hill behind the town.  Lots of activity.  We took the paved roads home and it started raining – once again – as we got home.  It only lasts for about an hour then it is clear and shining again.

After dinner, Jake and Lynn taught us a new card game…Skyjo… let the fun begin!

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