Tuesday, August 9, 2022

August 8, 2022 So tired of being tired...


Monday, August 8, 2022  So Tired…

No sign of the mousie, but I keep watching.  I got to roll in dirt today.  It  was sooo fun!

Took my morning walk on the riverwalk once again.  Did it twice actually, both ways.  Then came back to Hannah.  It is getaway day and we need to get her ready to travel.  And today, she gets the new tires that hopefully have been delivered to a tire store in Montrose.  They contacted Spouse and said two of the tires are there and that the other two should be delivered today.

Jake and Lynn will be headed to Gunnison and then we will meet up again in a couple of days in the town of Howard.  We say our goodbyes, then head north on hwy. 550.  It is less than 40 miles to Montrose.  Montrose is a fairly large city and is a hub for the western part of the state.  When we got to Maynes Tires, they had us disconnect from Hannah (we put Rudy inside), and we went off to do maintenance.  You know, eat, groceries, and Spouse washed the mud off the truck. 

When we got back, two of the tires were on, and the other two had just been delivered.  Unfortunately, they had other clients, so we had to wait… and wait… and wait.  A few hours later, with four new tires that should have been installed before we ever left California so we would not have wasted a day, we head to our campsite.  Our friends Brian and Kathy are here at the Cedar Creek RV park, so we headed over to join them.

We had a wonderful dinner at a place called the Stone House.  Yummmm… we are all so full.  And Spouse joined the Boals for a game of Rummikub (or however you spell it!).

By the way, it was probably a good thing this tire thing got resolved as one of the tires was missing a chunk, which happened on this trip.  So we were treading (hah, get it?) on tender ground!   But I hated wasting the day…

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