Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 4, 2022 Leaving the desert behind

Thursday August 4, 2022  Colorado bound

I like this place.  There are other felines here.  My humans walked me around and let me sniff things.  I wanted to get closer but they ran.

My morning walk took me around the streets of Winslow.  I took my rain poncho with me as it was threatening, but it was about 70 degrees and breezy.  Actually, quite comfortable.  I walked past businesses, the train station and the trail alongside it.  I meandered through streets lined with old houses, some with some nice old features like leaded windows and ginger bread mouldings, but most were beaten by the weather and could use some TLC.

There are feral kitties around so we asked Rudy if we could share is food, and he agreed to it so we sprinkled some around. 

We then hit the road.  East on I40 to Gallup.  Then, after a minor spat with the GPS, we go north on 491.  Why, oh why, would Spouse listen to the GPS when he has taken this road a number of times and she has a different opinion? It was only a one off-ramp diversion, and we were back on track. How he can follow her so blindly is beyond me!  Back on 491, the road will take you to Farmington, where we had our property for so long.  But we don’t need to go there!  YAY!  We are FREE!

The road starts off with high desert green, then changes to high desert sand with buttes and mesas. It crosses the Navajo reservation.   I was driving and it sure made me sleepy.  I woke up as we crossed into Colorado.   Spouse had seen an RV park on YouTube in the area between Cortez and Durango in Mancos so off we went. 

As we leave Cortez, we leave the desert behind.  Rolling hills and green with mountains in the background make for a pretty drive.  The turnoff for the RV park is about 10 miles east of Mesa Verde towards Durango.

As we turned off the highway, a fawn bounced ahead of us.  The road took us a few miles past a lot of ranches, like could there really be an RV park back here? 

And then we saw it… Echo Basin set in a beautiful meadow with pine trees and large spaces.  If we only didn’t have reservations (this is exactly why we don’t do reservations as a rule). We would have stayed here a few days to enjoy the back roads and beauty.  Oh well… 

Lightening and thunder and rain topped off the night!  Didn’t need air conditioning!  I like this…

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