Saturday, August 6, 2022

August 1/2 Can we leave already?

Tuesday August 2, 2022  Let’s Go Already

I was sleeping so comfortably and my maternal human put me in the little house that moves.  I whined a little, but I really didn't care.  I just wanted to whine.

Get away day is always a process.  Make sure the orchids are watered, sprinklers are set, etc.  And then, you can be like Spouse… Maybe we should get new tires for Hannah.  Really?  The day we are leaving and you want new tires?  Tires that you have to order and have them shipped?  REALLY?  It took about two hours, but he ordered the tires and is having them shipped to the town of Montrose in Colorado.  We weren’t sure we were going to stay there a day, but we are now! 

Spouse kept saying that we are not in a hurry…  Normally, that means we leave by 10 am, but in this case, it was almost noon.  This was so we could maximize our enjoyment of the hot desert temperatures.  And maybe we can enjoy the monsoon rains that have been pelting the deserts.  Oh boy!  Flash floods!

We weren’t 100 miles down the road when our DEF light flashed.  DEF is a diesel additive that must go in its tank otherwise the clean air gods bitch slap you to another world.  Guess we need to make a stop tomorrow…

There really is no need to talk about the topography on the way.  It is desert, it is boring and it warrants no time and energy describing!

It is after 5pm and we decide to head to Laughlin.  We really wanted to make it further, and get into higher altitude, but starting as late as we did just got in our way.  When we turned onto the river road, Spouse started the generator so he could run the air conditioner.  It was 108 outside, 113 inside.  He fidgeted with the vents and hoped it would help.  We passed by several dips that had been flooded by the monsoon rains.  For us, it was clear, fortunately.  By the time we got to Laughlin in our spot, it was after 6pm, we were hungry and it was hot.  Running the air conditioner helped but when it is that hot, you just can’t make it cool enough. And neither of us felt like going to a casino so we did our best to chill in Hannah.  The twig of a tree outside wouldn’t provide shade for a tonka toy, so we just had to wait for the sun to set.

And then…  I got the horrible text from a friend that Vin Scully died.  My dodger hero, I was traumatized.  And I could not get any news as I kept getting flashes that the server was compromised.  ARGH!  I never thought to turn on the television!  I knew he would not live forever, but he was my comfort for a gazillion years, and losing him was devastating.  RIP my dodger MVP…

Not the smoothest start to a vacation…

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