Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August 14, 2022 A day of rest... kind of


August 14, 2022  A day of rest… kind of

The new humans next to us have canines.  They want me.  They barked at me.  I stared them down.  I will shred them if they get too close.  Yawn… I think I will take a nap.

Kathy joined me on my morning walk for a while.  She and Brian leave today for their journey.  We may, or may not hook up again on this trip.  Rain is in the forecast for the next several days.  Lots of if from what we see online, when we can get online.

After our walk, we said our goodbyes and Spouse and I got on our bikes. We headed to the back road in the opposite direction of our previous rides.  We pass a few homes, but not many.  We have the option to turn out to Hwy 50 but we keep on the dirt road.  Once we pass the last house, the dirt is not as smooth.  As we continue, it gets a little rocky.  I feel the flab in my arms shaking, upsetting my ballast but I am able to maintain my balance.  As long as my neck doesn’t flap, I think I will be ok.  We are right along the river, and it gets rockier.  Occasionally, there is a wee dip – down then up – then more rocks.  Just when we take the next dip, I look and see it was going to get much more rocky.  It would be doable, but I am not liking it so I stop.  Then , I hear Spouse yell… something is wrong with his bike.  Timing is everything!  I think the bike saw the road ahead and cried Uncle! He fidgeted with it but it wouldn’t work, so he started pedaling without the electricity.  That is doable too.  I followed him for a bit, then he fidgeted some more.  Then he told me to go get the truck.  So Lassie got on her bike and pedaled like the wind to save Timmy from the well.  It was an easier ride going back, slightly downhill.  We went a bit farther than I thought but I got back and jumped in the truck and headed for the Spouse.  He had already pedaled most the way back, with maybe a mile more to go.  Ultimately, he made it back.  He figured there is something with the battery, and it is above his pay grade so not fixable for now.  Oh well, we loaded the bikes for transport with Spouse’s bike now on the disabled list.

We are leaving tomorrow, so time for a little maintenance.  While I was doing laundry, I was able to post one blog, but it was painfully slow, so the rest will have to wait.  I am writing, just not posting.

With all that done… time to enjoy the river.  Come sit with me while I describe it for you.

You are sitting on a wee perch.  To the left about 6 feet is a pine tree.  Guido the rat bastard squirrel is resting so nothing is falling on you.  To the right of you about 10 feet is a cottonwood tree.  It is tall.  It has a large, intricately woven bark trunk that divides into three at about 10 feet.  Then in another 10 feet, it branches out.  These trees provide your shade.  In front of you is a gentle slope that leads to the river.  Beyond the river is a small house with a huge meadow.  They have mowed some of it.  Beyond that are some hills, one with a house perched atop.  Beyond that are mountains… serious mountains with bald heads above their timberlines.

Now, you know what it looks like.  Close your eyes.  Listen to the river coursing below.  It isn’t violent, but it is moving rapidly, splashing the shore and bouncing off rocks.  Feel the breeze envelop your face, your arms, your torso.  It is warm outside, maybe low 80s in the sun, but you are in the shade, and the breeze off the river has a coolness to it.  Take a deep breath.  Smell the sage?  Smell the cottonwood?  Sometimes you can smell the mown grass from across the river.  No phones are calling as there is no cell service.  No texts are beeping. 

Now reach down for your drink.  Is it wine?  Or a vodka tonic?  Take a sip and enjoy the ride…

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