Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014 FORE!

Monday August 11, 2014

I am Thunderpaws but my humans are not awake yet.  Tough!

 Gee, which way should we torture our backs?  Kayaking the tidal marshes?  Naw, that would only last about an hour.  Let's play golf.  That will last all day.  So off we go to Willowdale Golf Club.  It is only 10 minutes away and we get a $5 discount from our RV park (whoopdidoo).


It is a pretty course with lakes, trees and a few hills.  It isn't too difficult, but when you have never played a course before, you always make it more difficult.  This was the first time Spouse has golfed in months, because of his knee surgeries.  He hit the ball pretty good, and he even cleared the lakes on those shots that required it.  I ended with a 98, Spouse a 122.  The weather has been quite nice.  Warm with a touch of a cool ocean breeze.  We hear that is all gonna change tho...
Notice the seaplane in the background behind Spouse.
But, my back feels great!  And Spouse is good too!

Food for thought... if someone from California is a Californian, what is someone from Maine called... a Maine-iac?

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