Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014 Merde, J'ai oublie mon francais!

Sunday August 31, 2014

 I am bitchen.  I am a stud muffin.  My cute-ocity pegs the cute-o-meter.  And I use these assets on my humans.  When I am riding in the little house that moves, I curl up in the center knowing that my appeal will lure them into petting me on occasion.  I don't let them know that I like it.  I act aloof, after all, I am a feline.  But I like it when the pet me. 

 Today is getaway day.  We leave this part of the Maritimes behind and start heading towards Quebec.  PEI has been such a pleasant surprise.  We are glad we played golf yesterday, because this morning, the winds are strong and it is a little nippy.  Rain is in the forecast for this afternoon, tonite and tomorrow, so leaving now seems the right thing to do.  We navigate across the island without Samaaaaantha.  The winds are strong, but we make it over the Confederation Bridge, above the choppy whitecapped seas without incident.  Towing in the wind can be an Olympic event, but nothing Spouse can't handle.

We head north to Shediac, and stop for lunch.  More lobster?  If I must...  Then it is my turn to drive.  I am not on the road for 25 miles when my eyes start to close.  I do all the tactics one does to try and stay awake.  Even the streams, trees and hills can't keep me awake.  Finally, after 70 miles, I have to turn the wheel back over to Spouse.  Now, if he would only shut up and let me sleep!

We continue north past the town of Bathurst and find an RV park.  It is the Labor Day weekend and we are not sure how crowded places are. But we are away from civilization, so we were able to find a spot.


We were going to take a walk across the street to the beach, but we got held up and a few minutes later, the skies opened up.  So much for the walk...

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