Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014: Mom and Pop let's me down

Monday August 4, 2014

 My paternal human calls me Thumper.  But I am ThunderPaws, king of the morning!  I run fast.  I run loud.  Listen to how heavy I can sound!

It rained quite a bit last night.  The grass is soggy and the streets are wet but it is good for walking.  After my morning walk, we readied Hannah for the day.

 We head east on route 20 towards Albany.  Of course, I disagree with Samaaaaantha so we follow my route.  We see a mom and pop diner and decided to stop for breakfast.  Our last experience with a non-Cracker Barrel breakfast was not too good.  I am hoping we have better luck here.  Alas, although my omelet was good, the potatoes were inedible.  Spouse's food was cold.  Mom and Pop places... I am trying to help you but you have to work with me.  Now Spouse is back to whining for the Cracker Barrel.  Heeeellllpppp!

 We decided to take the road that would lead us into the very southwest tip of Vermont so that the boys could say they have been there.  It is actually quite beautiful.  Green and hilly, we come into the town of Bennington.  CHARMING!  Such a quaint downtown area and lots of pretty wooden homes with nicely trimmed yards.  Spouse saw that the gas was cheaper here than in NY, so he fueled up only to see it cheaper down the road... oh the agony!

We turn south on route 7, then decided to head over to the interstate heading south to the Connecticut coast.  WE take route 2 east.  Wow, this is kind of mountainous (as mountains in the east go).  Winding roads, streams, and lots of trees are on the menu.  The trees are not fir trees, oddly enough for mountains.  As a westerner, fir trees are primarily what we see.  It turns out that this was not exactly a quick cut over to the interstate but it was beautiful nonetheless. 

 We headed south on I91 through Springfield, Massachusetts, then down past Hartford, Connecticut where we settled in a campground in the town of Clinton, on the Connecticut coast.  We haven't seen the water yet, but I guess that will happen tomorrow.  Our intent was to take the coast through Rhode Island then back up towards Boston.  But that's tomorrow...

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