Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 7, 2014 Cape Cod

Thursday August 7, 2014
I must watch out for that other creature.  I must go from window to window.  I must patrol.  If something is in my way, I will knock it off.  I must keep watch.
On my morning walk, I noticed a gas station with diesel 10 cents less than on the main drag.  Needless to say, Spouse was doing the gas wahoo dance!  34 gallons! 
Today, since the boys are sick of history lessons, we thought we would go over to Cape Cod.  We cross the Bourne Bridge and head south on hwy 28 to the town of Falmouth.  From there, we cruise through the charming town and catch a road down to the beach.  We then go along the coast with Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket in the background.   Although there are not a lot of cars, there is no parking.  We finally find a place to stow the truck and walk across the street to the beach.  It is all posted as private property, but being the scofflaws that we are, we trespassed. 
A gazillion shells line the beach and the water is calm.  It is warm outside and the ocean water feels on the warmish side.  We cruise along the road and occasionally there is a house or two, but it is not crowded in the least (unlike Malibu).  We stop at a lighthouse that has been in operation for 200 years.

I would really like to find a little crabshack.  We wind around Woods Hole than back into the town of Falmouth.  We found a place to park and did not have to hurt anybody.  Parking here could get quite ugly!  Then the Y'ners began.  They wanted to eat in the pizza/pasta place.   They were too hungry to wait for a seafood place.  I am outvoted...  There was not one thing on the menu that I wanted, but they had a lobster bisque special so I had my tiny bit of bisque, which was fabulous.  I did eat a few bites of Parker's mac and cheese, which was the best I had ever tasted.  I wanted a lobster roll or something like that, but the natives were too restless.  When we left, every other restaurant had just what I wanted.  We picked the only restaurant that didn't.  Argh.... 
We walked to the marina.  Here they store the boats in racks stacked 3 boats high.  A giant fork lift is used to pick up the boat and put it into the water.  It was fascinating to watch and so un-California-like.

When we headed towards home, the sky was gray.  As we crossed the Bourne Bridge back onto the mainland, the lightning was putting on quite a show.  It rained, it poured, it stopped and started.  When we got back to Hannah, the rain pelted, then stopped.  The Y'ners went off to fish.  Once again, the adults didn't! 
The boys leave tomorrow evening, and let it be said that I have not made any newscasts during their visit!  Of course, there is still tomorrow...

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