Friday, August 29, 2014

August 29, 2014 Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore

Friday August 29, 2014

 Gee, a lot of noise last night and look at all the movement outside!  wow...

Lots of wind last night.  Hard blowing wind...  We are supposed to play golf.  I don't think that is going to happen...  When daylight actually came, it was really windy.  Forecast is calling for 60 kph winds.  And it is cold.  There is a drop or two of rain, but that is not the issue.  It is just friggin' cold and windy!  We talked to Jake and Lynn.  They agreed golf in these conditions would be no fun. 

 Guess it is time to explore some of the island.  We put our winter coats in the truck and decided to go to the west side of the island and up to North Cape.  The island is beautiful.  More rural farms and charming homes, streams, ocean inlets, bays and marshes form the landscape.  We stop in Alberton for lunch.  It is still windy and cold.  The clouds are almost gone and the sun is shining.  Continuing on, we see the angry seas churning up the red sands of the coast.  Arriving at North Cape, there is a lighthouse (no shortage of those around these parts), a number of wind towers and a wind observation station.


The tide is out and you cannot really tell because of the windy conditions.  Along the cliffs, there are dozens of iniuks (rocks stacked to welcome and wish safe travels).  There is an interpretive trail, but it is too cold to wander around finding all of the plaques.  We go on a dirt road around the perimeter.  Slowly we crawl... inch by inch...  the truck rocks to the left... then to the right towards the cliff.  We are not sure about this idea but what the heck, until it ends up on a wooden walking path.  Never mind...  Spouse was able to back up and turn around without going over any cliffs.  (I walked during this process!).  What a nice way to break in new friends!


We went back on the center road.  Tomorrow, we are supposed to go fishing.  The winds have calmed some, but there will be more tomorrow, so they say...

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