Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 8, 2014 - the wind is in my hair... NOT

Friday August 8, 2014

 Hey!  There is ANOTHER creature like me over there!  I gotta watch both sides now!  This is going to be exhausting!

This morning, my calves are still sore from my climb up the obelisk at Bunker Hill.  But, walk I must, as fat knows no holidays and the way I have been eating, if I were to stop walking, I may not fit in the truck again!

Today is getaway day for the boys.  They don't fly out till 8pm, but we figure we would leave here about 3, then have dinner by the airport, then send them off.  We leave around 3, and since we are going against traffic, we are moving pretty well... till we get close.  The first 30 miles or so took about 45 minutes.  The last 5 miles took over 2 hours.  Yes, you are reading that correctly.  120+ minutes, 2.5 miles per hour, slow... SLOW!  There are no accidents, there is no road construction...  this is the way it is.  I have been in lots of cities during rush hour and this is, by far, the worst!

 Needless to say, we didn't get to the airport until after 6, no time to share a dinner.  Spouse takes the boys while I take the truck to a cell phone lot.  Spouse turned the kids over to security, who said Hunter could carry his baseball bat on board, but changed their minds.  Apparently, he had to check it in as luggage.  Oh well...

On our way out of the airport, we missed a turn and ended up near a toll station.  Wait, if we go in that lane over there, we can turn around... Oh the traffic... Wait!  A restaurant AND a parking place!  Let's eat and wait for the traffic to die down.

D'Amelios is a tiny Italian restaurant, maybe 10 tables.  It was hard to tell since so many of them were moved together.  It is VERY Italian.  Everybody knows one another, and soon we are talking to them, fitting ourselves right in.  The accents...  Caaarol will be heah soon... I have ahtichoke heahts on my pasta.  And the food was fabulous.  Although I am pasta'd out, I had to have lobster, scallop and clam pasta, as did Spouse.  Heaven!  There is a large Italian population here in Bahston and we were quite happy to share it tonite.

When we left, I had a big fight with Samaaaantha.  I can't stand that witch sometimes!  She can be really slow and when you are moving and you need directions fast, she just doesn't respond.  Thus, we got stuck at the toll gate and had to pay $3.50 to get where we could have gone for free.  Spouse is... directionally challenged, and if he should turn left, he turns right.  And with Samaaaantha being slow... not a good combination.


From this point on, we are off the clock.  It was a good visit with the boys, but my crank-o-meter was starting to rise and I am happy to see them go.  Hannah was getting smaller by the minute.  Now, we do not have to be anywhere special at any time special.  Let Phase 2 of the trip begin!  And let's get the hell out of Boston!

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