Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 6, 2014 The Freedom Trail Y'ners

Wednesday August 6, 2014

 Whoa!  Look at that!  Hissssssss....mrrrooowwwmmmmmmmmmmmmm...  My maternal human is touching it!  Be careful!

The coffee pot from hell acted up this morning so there is coffee all over the place.  I hear Spouse cursing.  I hate when that happens.  The filter folds over and things clog and I hate that coffee maker!  Whoever designed it, obviously never used a coffee maker before.  There is a little in the pot, so Spouse made himself some tea, and I got the meager amount of coffee.  We then took Rudy outside so he could see his doppelganger from the space across from us.  It is a sweet black kitty that rubs and purrs.  Poor thing only has 5 toes, go figure...  Rudy was not amused and was making all sorts of noises.


This regular Y chromosome departure issue:  You may fill in the blanks:
Crap, I forgot my _________.  (hearing aids, ipod, wallet). 
I may refer to them all as the Y'ners from this point on.

 Once we got the boys ready, we headed for the freedom trail in Boston.   Our first stop was Bunker Hill.  The colonists lost this battle but wiped out half of the British attackers, which made a major impact.  It is marked with an obelisk... with 294 steps... up a circular staircase.  The young ones and I climbed the stairs while Spouse opted out.  There is a beautiful view of the city, and then you get to walk back down!  Our first adventure of the day and we are already bushed!  We then headed over to 'the' parking lot that will not drain our life savings.  Six foot seven inch clearance; our antenna scraped the ceiling the entire way.  The lot was full but for one car leaving, then another.  We did not fit in the first space but we were able to squeeze into the next space.  These lots are not made for trucks!


Now we are off to see the USS Constitution, a sailing vessel built in 1790.  Oh crap, a security check.  I walk the pocket knives back to the truck.  I can't believe the weight of Spouse's knife doesn't make his pants fall of his behind!  
When we leave this part of the freedom trail, we stop and eat and then continue.  Then the Y'ners begin...  How far are we going from the truck?  My knee hurts.  Can we go see the site of the Boston Massacre?  (I answer, yes, but it is about another mile down the trail).  Never mind.  There is a rain drop, are we too far from the truck?  I am historied out...  Sheesh!  We made it as far as Paul Revere's house then headed back.  As we crossed the bridge over the Charles River, I pointed out where the Boston Tea Party occurred.  Sure they wanted to walk there... Not!    Of course, we couldn't let the Y'ners pass the ice cream shop, especially since the ringleader is an ice cream addict.


It is now about 4:30, and we brave the traffic (suicidal) along the Charles River, passing MIT, and heading towards Fenway Park.  Samaaaaantha starts mouthing off about low clearances.  SHUT UP!  We don't have Hannah!  She yells (rightfully so in her mind but she is so annoying).  We were going under low bridges and she was yelling and then we were missing our turns.  SHUT UP!  Spouse finally tells her we are not towing and we get to Fenway.  There is no game but we thought it would be good to show the boys... except they are totally engrossed in their IPODS.  PARKER, HUNTER!  Let's go now!  Huh?  Quick, we can only park for a minute MOVE IT!  NOW!  Sheesh!


Now we get to tour the streets of Boston in some of the worst rush hour traffic in history for the ride home...  The young Y'ners sleep as we creep slowly back to Hannah.  Did I mention there was traffic?


Boys are fishing, adults are not!  X chromosome is having a vodka tonic!  The adult Y'ner is sawing logs.

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