Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 21, 2014 Fidgeteer is getting better

Thursday August 21, 2014

 Even though my rodents are calling me, let's get back to my training of humans.  Today, I will tell you how to get them to feed you.  One of the ways is to block their view.  Some times, they sit in front of this box and stare at the top while their fingers tap the bottom.  They say it has a mouse, but that is the lamest mouse I have ever seen.  Anyhow, while they are staring, I sit in front of them and purr.  When they move one way, I move that way too and I will get closer to them.  They can't miss me and eventually, they will feed me.

This morning, our morning walk will be a hike to Flowing Waters.  It is less than a mile along the Mersey River.  It is a marked trail, and once again, Spouse is packing as if we are going into the netherlands wildnerness.  And he waits till we are leaving to charge the batteries for his GPS.  Really?  From this point on, I may refer to him as 'the Fidgeteer.'

 The hike is an easy one but it is quite pretty.  We meander through the woods, over the river and back through the woods.  I am glad Spouse is able to hike again, even if it is an easy one.  Although, no grouse sightings...


We ready Hannah and head to Annapolis Royal, about 30 miles north.  A doe and her fawn lead us to the turn for the exit.  A weasel of some sort showed us the way out.  Nice of them.  Annapolis Royal was the first official town in Nova Scotia.  It is equivalent to our St. Augustine in Florida.  It is on the Bay of Fundy and it is a small, artsy town.  After lunch, we head east on hwy 1 and 101.  It is a rural drive with forests and rolling hills of pastures and bucolic homes.  Overall, the homes are of wood, and the architectural detail is in the moulding and the windows.  Lots of craftsman styles and cape cod.  Loads of character.


As the day wears on, we head east on 14.  I am driving now, with Spouse navigating... kind of. 

 We should take 354 but I think we already passed it.
Well, here is 202, and it will take us to 354, I will take it.
Oh, we really didn't get to 354 yet.

Too late now, as we are stuck in a hellacious construction zone.  Time to switch drivers.  The bucking bronco ride lasted about 3 miles and I closed my eyes rather than watch one spot we had to drive through.  Fortunately, nothing fell out of a cabinet or refrigerator or freezer.

We pass through the city of Truro heading east on 104.  We have been looking for RV parks, but none too close to our route.  We finally ended up near the town of Pictou, which is about 10 miles off of our route.  Nice place with fresh blackberries that will need to be picked for breakfast.  And an ocean inlet just across the street.  It is getting prettier by the kilometer!

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