Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 19, 2014 Twinkle twinkle little star

Tuesday August 19, 2014

Training of humans continues.  When I want them to pet me, I don't always want to be obvious.  So if I sit just out of their reach, they almost always extend their reach to pet me.  I get my fix while maintaining my roguish charm and my feline dignity.

 After my morning walk, I found Spouse doing the guy thing.  Why do they always have to compare notes?  He is at our neighbors' checking out their expensive rig.  He did this with boats.  He was always checking out other peoples' boats.  Now he is doing it with RVs.  What else might he be doing it with?
We ready Hannah and leave Margaret Bay, heading east on hwy 3.  We hug the coast for a while, then cut over to hwy 103 continuing east to the town of Liverpool, where we break for lunch.  Liverpool is known as the home of Privateers.  Privateers were essentially legal pirates.  In the 1800's, governments (the US did this too) sanctioned the taking of ships for their bounty in 'protection' of their country.  Of course, they got to sell the goods. It is a cute small town with a pretty lake and a small downtown storefront area.  We then head north on hwy 8.  We are heading for the national park Kejimkejuk.  There are two pieces to this park.  One is the seaside area, which is about 25 miles west along the coast.  The larger piece is inland and that is where we are heading.  Only Samaaaaantha thinks we should go seaside even though we have the inland piece flagged.  'Do a u-turn if you can'.  Let me shut you up if I can.  Voila!  I can!

 Keji (as Kejimkejuk is known) is known for its lakes, rivers and wildlife as well as its history with the ancient Indian tribes.  An endangered turtle species is here as well as a variety of wild orchids.  I would love to see them, but who knows.  It is also known for the darkness of their night skies. 

We are told there are no RV spaces with electricity, and only one spot of any kind that would fit our size, so we take it, even though it has no hookups.  Being fully self contained, we don't need the hookups, but they are convenient.  With no hookups, I think we call this 'camping'.  We tried, we really tried but there was no way we could back Hannah into the space without doing damage to Hannah, the truck, and/or all the trees.  So we go back thinking we would get a refund.  Instead, miraculously, they found a space with electricity for us.  Since these spaces are specifically for RVs, it was much easier to maneuver into.  Gee, what timing we must have to get this space... maybe if we spoke French at the get-go, we would have gotten this space right away.   But wait, they are not French.  Ok, maybe their boss is French?  Whatever, we got our space.  And it is a beautiful, woodsy space.

 Around 9:30, we walk outside to check out the night sky.  From our site, we cannot see much sky as the tree canopy is too dense.

Spouse, put the flashlight on. 
I don't want to ruin our night vision. 
What night vision?  We can't see a thing!  Put the f'n light on!

 Although there are lots of stars,  it won't be dark enough to appreciate it for another hour at least.  Looks like we will miss this spectacle!

 Tomorrow, we plan on canoeing around the lakes and rivers. 

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