Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28, 2014 Les Ouefs (for those who went to Tahiti), or Say Cheese (for those who did not go...)

Thursday August 28, 2014
I can't believe my paternal human let me run free.  I saw a critter and went for it.  Then I watched as both humans looked for me.  I hid for a little bit, but the maternal human was dragging a string and I had to reveal myself to chase it!
Woke up to a rainy day.  We weren't in any hurry to do anything so we took our time getting ready.  Today we were going to tour part of the island.  We started along the coast, but the visibility was not so good, so we decided to head towards Charlottetown.  Our neighbors told us about a cheese place so we thought we would go that route on our way.  We are going along hwy 2 and as we get near Charlottetown, we start seeing the usual city stuff, like Wal-Mart, Target, etc.  And it is getting busy.  We get to the harbor and the visitor center gives us the scoop on the cheese place.  It is moving and it is in one of two places and they gave us both addresses.  Is anything easy? 
While there, we walked along the harbor and checked out the tall ships that were allowing visitors.  It is a pretty harbor and there is a dock with about 20 pleasure boats, the first we have really seen anywhere around.   Then back on the cheese hunt... Spouse couldn't let it go...  the sun is coming out and I would really like to tour around the island, but we have to hunt down the cheese place.  Back through the busy Charlottetown... back past the Wal-mart, Target and the Atlantic Superstore.  It isn't in spot one.  Samaaaaantha can't even find spot 1, but I don't trust her anyway.  We actually call and get the address, and tell Samaaaaantha where we are going.  That witch tried to take us in the most roundabout way!  Good thing I had my paper map or we might still be on the road!

We find the cheese place, spend all of about 15 minutes, buy our stuff, then leave.  There are lots of dairy farms around, yet you cannot smell the cows, or the sheep for that matter.  Interesting...  The dairy farms are small, there are not a lot of cows, but they still don't smell.  And it makes for some really picturesque scenery.
By now, it is almost 3pm.  We are meeting our neighbors for dinner at around 5:30, so our day is essentially shot hunting down some stupid (but tasty) cheese!   I guess we can relax...
Until Spouse decides to let Rudy off the leash to go after a squirrel.  Then we got to play "Where's Rudy?"  I knew he wouldn't be far, but if he went into the nearby woods, the hunter could easily become the hunted.  So Spouse headed one way, and I stayed around, dragging his leash, knowing that if he saw the leash, he would chase it.  And that is what finally happened.  He didn't even complain when I picked him up and put his leash back on.   What a guy!  Spouse has been grounded for life...
Now, I have to tell you all...  I know you have all done it...  I told you about the bug bites I got the other day.  I had been good about not scratching... until today.  Then I scratched... It felt soooo good.  I scratched more, and more and more!  If I could, I would scratch down to the bone.   I could have put some medication on it, but it felt too good scratching it.  And then it stopped itching.  No meds needed.  Ok, it kind of looks like I have a tattoo, but that will fade in a few hours!
As for dinner, Jake and Lynn joined us at Carr's seafood on the bay in Stanley Bridge.  Gosh... more shellfish.   We suffer so...

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