Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014 FOOOORE!

Monday August 25, 2014

 Look at that critter that hops!  Hop hop hop!  I want it!

 Today we are playing golf at Bell Bay Golf Club in Baddeck.   We got a twilight time, which as of today, starts at 1:00 pm.  That is pretty early.  Most of the courses around here have twilight starting at 3 or 3:30.  We stop to have a nice lunch before we play.  What are we thinking?  The food here is ... mediocre at best.  Hellloooo?  Have you heard of 'spices'?  They give flavor to food... 

 We thought about going into the Alexander Graham Bell museum, but realized we really did not have the time.  Oh well...


The golf course has some scenic views of Baddeck Bay and the sailboats on the horizon.  The course is not easy, and it doesn't help that my evil twin keeps showing up.  We were paired up with Bob and Darcy McSomething and they were at about the same level we are so it was a good fit.  I lost a couple of balls, Spouse ended up finding more than he lost (and he lost quite a few).  The weather was warm, but not hot, and there were cool breezes coming in off the bay.  It was really a great day for golf.  No holes in one.  But I love it when I am not sure of my club, then I make the decision and stick with it and it works! 


Sometimes, Spouse reminds me of our late dog Bart.  Spouse found a fig newton on the ground yesterday.  It was in the sealed package and he ate it, just like Bart would do.  He's always looking for treasures...


Rudy is seeing the frogs around here and he wants one!

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