Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 9, 2014 Traffic and Cholesterol

Saturday August 9, 2014

 Where are the younger humans?  I have lost my nighttime playgroun.

Shhhh... hear that?  Me neither!  And feel the stillness...  Ahh, Hannah sure has gotten bigger!

 Calves are still sore, but I persevere.  Today, we leave this place.  Since it is Saturday, we are thinking the traffic won't be so bad.  We will take the 495 beltway north to the New Hampshire state line, then take Hwy 1.  The Good Sam guide says to avoid the tollways as it can be expensive, so we will give it a try.  We are going less than 150 miles to Portland, Maine.  I would like to visit a friend here, and we want to go to L.L.Bean.  Maybe we will even play a round of golf.  So, off we go...

What were we thinking...  I have yet to find written documentation, but I know what I am about to write is true.  There are X chromosomes (females).  There are Y chromosomes (males).  Then there is the Z chromosomes (Massachussetts driver).  I am an aggressive driver, but the Z'ers are animals.  They are their own unique breed.  It stems from the roadway designs.  There are freeway interchanges every couple of miles, and each one of them is at least ten times worse than the 405/101 interchange in L.A.  Consequently, people wait till the last minute to get over, and they come real close to ramming you if you don't let them in.  When we were not towing Hannah, I was very impressed with Spouse.  He always lets people in but even he got fed up and his fangs grew and he did some mighty impressive shutout maneuvers.  His Y beat those Z's pretty good.  But when we are towing, he can't quite tailgate like he needs to do the shutout maneuvers.  But he will block entire lanes if he needs to.   We were riding next to a NASCAR driver towing the car for John Falconi.  (It could have been John himself but I don't know what he looks like).  Anyhow, Spouse started talking to them as we sat motionless.  New best friends...


Bottom line, after 2 hours, we were only halfway to where we were going.  We crossed into New Hampshire and onto to hwy 1.  Anything has to be better than I95... NOT!  At our first opportunity, we get onto I95.  We will pay the toll, it has to be better.  $4.50 later, we are flying... The toll is good for about 5 miles.  At this rate, it will cost us $50 to get to Portland.  Off to hwy 1 again.  It is moving.  With all these people, we figure we better check out RV parks.  We call one that has 700 spaces, knowing they would have vacancies.  They had only 2, so we took one.  We called other parks, they were full.  What the heck is going on? 


We pull up to Bayley's RV park and it is a ZOO!  Gazillions of people and kids and bikes.  We already paid so we are committed but we are pissed.  What the heck is going on?  We have a decent space so we will just have to make the best of this.  We set up, I got our laundry going while Spouse went to get some lobster that we saw being sold on the side of the road.  Rudy didn't know what to do with these things.  I didn't like hearing them squeaking so I made myself scare while Spouse 'did the deed'.  I was actually glad to be doing laundry!


 Even though they were 2lb lobsters and they were delicious, they really are not too filling.  But I am sure we will do this again

Then, we were in RV hell... They have a huge pavilion and the music started.  And it was loud... It actually was very good and I liked the music but it just doesn't fit our mindset.  If I want music, I turn it on.  If I don't want music, I turn it off... only I can't turn this off.  Spouse's answer... let's go to LL Bean now.  But it is 34 miles away.  Ok, let's go to a grocery store because I need coffee creamer.  Do you think we can find a grocery store? 

 We are actually in the town of Scarborough, which is just south of Portland.  As we drive along, we see tons of motels and cottages, all of them with NO vacancy signs.  This is a beach community and there is a carnival we can see at the end of the street.  And it is BUSY!  I am sure the earth was tilting on its axis as the amount of people was incredible.  Restaurants are packed.  Every parking lot and sidewalk is packed.  What the heck is going on?   We certainly did not expect this type of activity here.  This is the end of the Canadian holiday, where they flock south for a couple of weeks.  But these are not all Canadians.

 I am sure this will all look better in daylight!


1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your travels, and yes Boston area has some of the worst traffic I have ever been in......almost makes you long for 405 to 101 interchange.

    Have fun
