Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014 Island hopping

Wednesday August 27, 2014

My maternal human walked with me and let me go far.  I took her across the grass to this ledge.  We went down and there was all sorts of new stuff for me.  Smells... wow!  And there was sand.  I got to dig.  It was fun.


It was an incredible night with the stars.  It was very dark and the view from my window in bed is of the sky and the ocean.  I kept waking up and looking outside.  A nice breeze blew through Hannah all night long.  It was so refreshing.  Come morning, the breeze was a bit strong and cool.  I did my morning walk enjoying the landscape.  What I like about this place is that it is not overbuilt in the least.  Here, the soybean fields have a killer view of both sides of the bay.  There is a house here, and one way over there.  They are not mansions,  but they are nice.  It seems... wholesome and real.

I took Rudy down to the beach.  He liked playing with clam shells and sniffing kelp.  He dug in the sand (just for fun, not for potty).  If he was not on a leash, he might have stayed for days!

 We readied Hannah for her trip to Prince Edward Island.  We followed the Northumberland coast, then cut over to Amherst to do some shopping.  We then got on the road to the Confederation Bridge over the strait.

PEI is known for the book 'Anne of Green Gables'.  I think I read it as a kid, but I do not remember it at all, but the island sure does capitalize on her fame!  Samaaaaantha is guiding us to one of her campgrounds in the Cavendish area.  Across beautiful farms, hills, valleys and streams, Samaaaantha deposits us on a rural road in the middle of nowhere.  Really?  We fight, I use my paper map.  She tries to fight back, but I am more powerful.  She finally succumbs to some degree.  We found the RV park, and she was still wrong, but at least she was on the right street this time.

 As we are checking into the RV park, we see our neighbors from Cape Breton.  Looks like we will be playing golf and fishing with them over the next couple of days.  When we were in Cape Breton, we checked into fishing and heard horror stories.  One person said it was $1200 per person, and the captain keeps the fish.  (Gee, that sounds like fun).  The next person said it was $800 as the blue fin tuna is in season and you split the fish with the captain.  And he was a navy person who was wishing to come back in after only one hour as he was so sick (as was the captain).  The gulf stream runs through up there and apparently the seas are ... challenging.  Here?  $45.  We can do this!  And hopefully we won't puke!  But that is Saturday...


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