Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 5, 2014 Boston Bound

Tuesday August 5, 2014

It is a little fizzy outside, I think I will stay in bed.  I am not in the ThunderPaw mood.  zzzzzz

 We got a bit of a late start this morning.  Parketta had to do some laundry, and even though he was timely in getting it done, we were just a bit slow.  We left around 10am, with the intent of driving along the Connecticut coast, into Rhode Island, then up to Boston.

We stopped to make a reservation in Boston.  This was not an easy thing since one had only 3 nights, one had no sewer, and so on.  We finally found an RV park.  All of these parks are about 30 miles outside of Boston. 

I was hoping to visit an old friend Rosie that lives nearby, but circumstances were such that we just missed each other. DARN!

 Spouse was kind of 'sceneried out' so main highways were goal.  We headed north/east on I95 past the town of Mystic (our only pix of the day) and into Rhode Island.  We pass the capital of Providence where lots of sailboats were taking advantage of the breezes in the harbor.  We stopped for groceries... always an adventure.  We are always throwing food at the boys.  Spouse got them the most nutritious stuff... Ding Dongs, Kit Kats and Oreos.  For the young'uns? or for Spouse... you decide!

We got to our park, which is a pretty woodsy campground.  The boys are fishing in the pond and the adults are relaxing.  Rudy has learned that he can fit through the sliding hand bar on Hannah's screen door.  I learned that if I don't chase him, I can pick his furry little black ass up and bring him back inside.

 In Singapore, there is a strict law about spitting gum onto the street.  I think we should adopt that law, with the punishment being the death penalty.

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