Wednesday, May 26, 2021

5/25/21 Relaxing with friends


May 25, 2021

Ooh, lots to explore here, but my humans won’t let me roam free.  I have to work on them.

My morning walk took me around the neighborhood.  Nice houses in a nice community.  We were here 7 years ago and it is evident the neighborhood expanded and grew up.  Easy and enjoyable walking.

Spent a lot of time catching up and running errands.  It is so nice not to have to drive!  Also spent a lot of time catching up on my wi-fi tasks.  Feels good!

In the early evening, we took a hike at Rotary Park.  There is a nature center and trails that wind through the woods with streams.  It was starting to get dark, so we didn’t go too far, but it looks shady enough to do it earlier in the day without dying of the heat.  Spouse likes working with Sadie, the dog.  She is a sweet small border collie mix, but is high energy and wants to learn, which is perfect for Spouse.  He has a project for the week!



Rudy wants to roam freely in the worst way.  We are taking him on long walks for him to sniff and snort.

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