Thursday, May 6, 2021

May 6, 2021 Cleaning Day at Hannah


May 6, 2021

My humans let me out without my leash!  I stayed at the steps.  Too scary…

My walk took me around the teensy community of Lajitas.  There is a small manmade lake, a few little duplex condos, a little boardwalk with a hotel near the golf course and not much else.  One house built in 1946 has a bulletproof bathroom.  That is where the parents would put the kids when random gunfire broke out.  Sounds like it was a fun town…

Today we are going nowhere.  It is cleaning day at Hannah.  Before the sun was totally up, Spouse had washed the truck.  Then he worked on Hannah.  I love his ambition today!  Furniture polish, 409, watch him go!  I did laundry.  Why, oh why do I own anything white?  We vacuumed in spots that hadn’t been vacuumed for a while.  That is what happens when your bed breaks and you move the mattress!  But the dust bunnies are GONE!

So rather than bore you with stories of mopping the floor, let me tell you a little about the RV park.  It is Maverick Ranch RV park.  It is often hard to find on the GPS for whatever reasons.  When we first pulled in and saw just a few trees, and that the power was out, we were concerned.  But now that we have been around the area, we scored!  The sites are decent, and it has a beautiful club house and pool, which we actually used today. The laundry facilities are large and spotless.  We weren’t planning on doing laundry so early in the trip but they made it too easy for us!  There are various local art pieces scattered around the park and it is so clean.   IF I came this way again, I would stay here in a heartbeat.


But tomorrow, we head east.  I have GOT to find a decent grocery store.  I am out of tonic water!



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