Tuesday, May 25, 2021

May 22, 2021 Pretty can get boring





May 22, 2021

Sometimes, I just don’t want to be moved.  My humans will come get me when I am peacefully sleeping and move me from the big house that moves to the little house that moves, or maybe the other way around.  I let them know of my displeasure.

My morning walk took me around Maynor Creek Park.  Spouse started with me.  The campsites are large and some of them border on the lake.  The lake is calm, and I have a problem understanding why nobody is skiing it.  I don’t know if skiing is allowed but I do see a big inner tube on a boat, so I assume it is skiable.  But I betcha one of those bass fishermen would take a skier down with their weaponry!

After Spouse left, I continued walking down the road to the launchramp.  There is a nature trail through the woods.  I took it for about 300 feet and got tired of flailing off spider webs, so I got myself back on the street where all I have to do is fight off cars!  Actually, nobody is on the road so that isn’t an issue.  Lots of beautiful trees.  The water is lukewarm… perfect for skiing…  argh…

Looking at the map, we had this great idea that we double back west a wee bit and pit up the Natchez Trace Parkway out of Jackson.  It is a historic trail and it passes through Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.  We could take it almost all the way to our friends in Clarksville.  So west we go on Hwy 84, then north on 49.  I wanted to take a shortcut on 28, but old Madam Garmin wanted to go the long way so I can’t fight both her and Spouse.

It is a pretty drive on a 4 lane divided highway.  Although town activity intersects, there isn’t much action til you actually get into fair sized towns.  Our lovely Lady Gagarmin directed us into the middle of the town of Laurel (best known for the HGTV show Home Town).   We had it in the GPS as a way to chart our course, but ‘she’ felt we needed to go to the center of town.  It really wasn’t the center of town, but it was in the middle of a spectacular neighborhood with beautiful homes and majestic trees and it was worth walking around and gawking.  It kind of reminded me of some of the neighborhoods in Pasadena.


Back on track, we stopped at an urgent care (my urinary tract infection was getting worse by the minute and I could not turn it around on my own so I needed some big guns), and then at a WalMart to get my prescription then we continued north.  About 10 miles south of Jackson, the roadwork made it slow going, but we eventually got to I55 and headed north to a turnout for the Natchez Trace Parkway.  We are by the Ross Reservoir which is a huge recreational area.  There are bike trails and historical markers.  This looks like it will be fun, right?  We checked out an RV park on the water but Spouse was overwhelmed with the size and crowd.  It is a Saturday night, you know.  I didn’t see much in the way of campgrounds going north but I let him off the hook.

As we get further from Jackson, the bike trails disappear.  There are beautiful trees, a creek now and again, a bayou, and occasional open fields.  Then there are trees, trees and more trees. It is an easy drive but the bore-o-meter is starting to peg.  There are no RV parks, campgrounds, hiking trails… Nada!  We planned on taking this for 300 miles.  We have gone 50 and we are done!  It is beautiful but enough is enough! 

We got off on Hwy 14, which is really a two lane back road in the middle of nowhere.  Rolling hills, lots of green, trees, farms, farm houses… you know… things you can look at that make the drive interesting.  We thought we would take a chance at the Legion State Park.  They only have 15 RV sites and it is a Saturday night…  It is almost empty.  Once again, a state park with huge sites, fire pits, full hookups… except for Wi-Fi.  Will I ever see wi-fi again?










There seems to be a running theme on the highways across the south:  Dollar Generals by the millions, Billboards advertising personal injury attorneys by the gazillions, and of course, churches too numerous to guestimate!









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