Sunday, May 2, 2021

May 1, 2021 Surprise Surprise Surprise!





May 1, 2021


My humans went away for a while and when they came back, I ran outside!  I got to roll in the dirt!  I could tell my maternal human was so proud of me because she picked me up and petted me.  I liked being petted but she kept moving the dirt off me.  I don’t get it.

The nights have been quite cool and pleasant.  This morning, my walk took Spouse and me to his favorite place… Walmart.  It is not my favorite place but it worked.  We got back, ate and readied Hannah for departure.  We left the ‘beautiful’ town of Deming on I10 east. 

Coming into Las Cruces, the mountains towered above and it was pretty.  We had the gas buddy argument once again, but we fueled and continued east through El Paso. 

El Paso is a huge sprawling city, not so much tall but definitely wide.  The freeway structures are decorated quite nicely.  It was busy but we buzzed through.  After a quick bite and a change of drivers, we continued east.  To my surprise, the plains turned into something resembling mountains!  We are not talking Sierras or Rockies, but mountains nonetheless.   At hwy 90, we headed south through the plains to the town of Marfa.  Spouse could not contain his pre diabetic self and got a blizzard at Dairy Queen.  I did the honorable thing to save him from himself and I had a few bites…  Then… Believe it or not, Spouse bought gas without looking at his gas buddy!  PROGRESS! 



By now, I wanted to stop, but Spouse wanted to drive on.  We already lost an hour to time zone changes and it was getting late, but on we went.

We turned on to hwy 67 south.  It is grazing country and surprise!  More mountains!  And it is pretty!  I expected flat, straw plains and saw green, grazing grounds!  It was still desert like but with much more character.    We actually climbed in elevation up, then down some into the town of Presidio.  As we were coming into town, I noticed RVs perched on a hilltop and a dilapidated RV park sign.  We decided to check it out.  The Dasp RV park is not pretty.  It is gravel and weeds and huge spaces with killer views.  We are really quite happy with this find even though it lacks the fine things.  We walked around to check things out and saw lots of centipedes.  I guess that beats snakes…

We set up, and finally let poor Rudy in.  For him, food first, litter box second.  I don’t know how he does it!

Tomorrow, we are at the doorstep of Big Bend State Park.  We intend to spend at least 5 days between here and the National Park next door.

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