Monday, May 31, 2021

May 30, 2021 Where's Waldo?


May 30, 2021

Ahem… Humans…  Oh Humans… meow.  Meow.  I am kind of stuck here, can you help me out?  Meow!

Woke up to another brisk morning.  Spouse and I decided to take the hiking trail at Rotary Park for our morning walk.  We grabbed Sadie the dog, and headed to the middle parking lot.  Spouse has a hiking trail app on his phone so he called it up, posted the location of the truck and we headed onto the trail.  It is roughly a 3 mile loop trail through the woods. 

The trail starts as concrete, then shifts to gravel, then shifts to forest mulch.  A large stream is on one side.  There are lots of ferns and other forest ground cover and we are shaded by the deep woods. There seems to be a lot of trails that break off, but we stay on the main one.  Spouse said it would be pretty tough to get lost on this trail… right?  The other trails seem to be for Frisbee Golf.  They have little tee boxes to start and big baskets to end.  You would have to be one great thrower to avoid the trees in the middle but I guess people do it!

After about a mile, we noticed we were getting close to some houses.  Spouse looked at his app… we are nowhere near the trail!  The only trail markers were for the golf so how did we get so far off?  We re-oriented ourselves and headed where the app told us… kind of…  we weaved left, then right.  Spouse saw a structure at the top of the hill where it looks like an exit so we went up to it.  I was against that as I felt if we followed the trail, it was headed in the direction we needed to go, but we needed to stick together.  It was an ampitheater.  We saw the street… but it wasn’t the street we came in on.  We walked a few hundred feet but we knew this wasn’t right.   Spouse said we needed to go off to the right, I said we needed to go off to the left.  Why are there no trail markers?

I took the app, oriented ourselves and showed that we needed to go to the left.  There was a map of the golf course.  Spouse was sure we entered the trail at hole 10 and that is right here on our right.  Spouse… that is hole 18.  Guess again….  We saw a clearing we had walked through the other day.  I had trouble convincing Spouse that we needed to go that way.  He finally agreed and we found the truck.  The only thing was, we were across the stream from it. We had to hike a bit til we found a bridge to get us back.  Now, let’s remember those words from Spouse:  ‘It would be pretty tough to get lost on this trail’.  I guess we are over achievers! As it turns out, we barely took any of the real trail at all!  But it was really pretty nonetheless!

When we got back, Spouse washed Hannah and the truck.  I sat on my ass doing a crossword puzzle and I loved every minute of it.  Poor Rudy got tangled on his leash and wedged it under Hannah’s tire.  I heard a faint mew, then another.  There he was almost attached to the tire, poor guy.  I freed him then had to do all sorts of maneuvers to free the leash.  He can be so creative.

More family visits topped off a good day.




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