Monday, May 3, 2021

May 2, 2021 Has anybody seen my keys?





My humans let me roll in the dirt again.  Then I got into a pile of long straw and things and my maternal human had to help untangle me.  It was fun.

Last night, there was a nice zephyr blowing through my window with the heavenly scent of the desert sage.  It reminded me of all the camping I have done at Lake Mohave and Lake Powell.  It was still dark when we got up and we had the beautiful twinkling of the city below with the starry sky above.  What a picture!

With the location of this RV park, there really isn’t much of a walking area.  But the property is quite large and the views are spectacular.  I figured I would walk around here then finish my walking later in the day.  One problem, I couldn’t find my keys.  Let’s think… I used them when I put my sunglasses in the truck, then I came right back into Hannah.  They have to be here somewhere…  Now Spouse is involved…  Maybe I should retrace my steps from yesterday.  I rewalked the property but did not see my keys.  They HAVE to be in Hannah… Spouse is a grumbly mess.  I know they are here.  I even check the refrigerator!  Spouse goes to retrace my steps.  Maybe another set of eyes will help.  Think…  we were outside watching the sunset and Rudy got tangled in a pile of straw and I had to bend over and contort myself to free him.  And there were my keys…  Now I will forever have to listen to Spouse and his ‘I told you to zip your waist pouch up’ for the rest of my married life.

Now that the ‘keytastrophe’ is over, time to move on.  Made a quick stop to top off the fuel (no gas buddy!!!) and another quick stop for a few things at the store (did you know that you cannot buy alcohol before noon on Sundays in Texas?), we headed onto 167.  The highway runs through the Big Bend Ranch State Park.  Every sign for the park heads up a dirt road.  Hmmm, maybe later in the week.  We pass grazing grounds and high desert scrub and begin to climb.  It is a two lane road and we are the only ones on it.  It turns, it goes up and down and the terrain is quite rugged.  At times, we glimpse the Rio Grande River.  We climb, we descend.  At one point there is a 15% grade!  We stopped and took a wee walk down to the river.  I am so surprised it is this mountainous here.  There was road construction in one spot with a bridge so narrow, I held my breath as we passed over it.  I was glad Spouse was driving.


We descend the mountain into the town of Lajitas, and the Maverick Ranch RV park, which will be our home for the next 5 days.  We finally get to unhook Hannah and we almost did a great job…  After we set her up, we realized that the steps to get in and out hover over a break in the concrete.  I predict one of us will break something tripping over this.  And just our luck, the power in the RV park is broken and t will be out a couple of hours.  While other RVrs whined, Spouse started our generator and our air conditioner.  Ha!

Then we left to explore Big Bend National Park.  It is 17 miles to the West Gate, through desert and more desert.  Once inside the park, there is even more desert (although so much of it was in bloom), and dirt roads.  We did some scouting of what we want to do.  Checked out the Panther Junction visitor center then headed back.  On the way, we saw a restaurant that was open so the truck automatically pulled in.  Mediocre Mexican food seemed better than cooking!

Back home, the power is on.  A nice shower and tonite we will watch the stars as this is a dark night site.

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