Tuesday, May 25, 2021

May 23, 2021 Lady Gagarmin's revenge



May 23, 2021


We readied Hannah and started out of the park.  Hmmm, Lady Gagarmin can’t find the satellite.  Let’s get beyond the trees…  oh no…  Spouse keyed in the next stop in our trucks GPS so we could continue.  I drove so Spouse could try and figure out what was going on.  I think she was pissed at me for all the bad things I have said about her.  I tried to apologize, but I am sure she saw my fingers crossed behind my back.  I begged her not to go…  Finally, Spouse decided to reset her to factory settings…  all things lost…  but at least she started to work.

Up Hwy 25, to Starkville, I82 to Hwy 45 north to Tupelo.  It is really very pretty here.  Wide open green spaces with small homes, large homes, ranches and farms spread all over the place.  Trees here, creeks there, definitely lots to look at.  When we got to Tupelo, we saw a sign for Elvis Presley’s birthplace.  What the heck, we needed to stop for lunch anyway, why not at the King’s house, right?


What can I say about Elvis’ birthplace.   The original house is still there.  It is tiny and you can buy a tour to it if you are there when it is open.  I sat on his porch swing for a picture, but neither of us felt the draw to wait til it opened.  There are 15 acres of Elvis stuff, they are definitely milking this for all they can get!  We didn’t go in any of the museums, but we did have lunch, then continued on 45 north into Tennessee. Just for reference, I liked Elvis until I was about 8 years old, then I dumped him for Paul McCartney.  But I do respect his talent.  Saw him Vegas once and it was a great show.  I am sure by the time I was 9 or 10, I probably dumped Paul for someone else.  So fickle…


Now, with Lady Gagarmin, I have been entering little steps a bit of the time so she will get us on the right highway.  Then we came to blows…  see Leslie blow a gasket…  First of all, the highway numbers (these are actually backroads with numbers) don’t always correspond to the AAA map.  Then, some of these roads do not appear on the paper map at all.  So when Lady Gagarmin tries to direct us, I have to scour the map.  And what do I find?  She is evil.  Based on the map, Leslie’s course is 14 miles north.  ‘Her’ course is 16 miles west, 14 miles north then 18 miles east…  Really???  If we just stay on this road, we shave 34 mile off the route.  Now Spouse and I are going at it because Lady Gagarmin is his new love interest and he wants to believe her but I pitched such a fit he went my way.  It was amazing that after about one mile, 34 miles dropped off Lady Gagarmin’s estimation.  Spouse would follow her blindly and never know the difference.  I will ALWAYS have a map on my lap…

With all that aside, it was still a beautiful ride through open lands, farms, streams and green.

We ended up at Birdsong RV park right on the Tennessee River.  Still no wi-fi… A little too close for comfort for us, but we are right on the river so what can you expect.

We took a walk around the docks.  Let’s just say that redneckery is at its finest right here!  Hillbilly twangs, long beards, and jugs of…  but everyone is really nice.  They must not realize we are from California!

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