Thursday, May 27, 2021

May 26, 2021 Bourbon Country


May 26, 2021


I kind of like where we are staying but they have a dog.  I don’t like dogs.  I will sniff up front.  Is that a bunny?

My morning walk is another around the neighborhoods.  I love looking at the landscaping.  The peonies are at the end of their bloom, darn it!  I listen to podcasts when I walk.  Right now, serial killers…

Since we are in bourbon country, we went to the Old Glory distillery.  This was the brainchild of a pair of brothers (aged 20 and 22) and it is almost 10 years old.  It is great to see homeboys dedicated to their home town.  They both got their degrees but decided office work was not for them and they created the distillery.  They make bourbon, flavored moonshine, vodka and gin.  And during the pandemic, they made hand sanitizer by the gazillion gallons.  And now, they are expanding.  It is a great venue with room for outdoor concerts and weddings and such.  It is really down home and all American.

The tour included a tasting…  we did our tasting before the tour.  Vodka, gin, bourbon, blueberry lemon shine, and strawberry lemon shine.  After a small sip of the gin, they add some tonic so you can actually enjoy it.  I am not much of a shot person, so I sipped some, added soda water to the blueberry shine which made that really good.  I couldn’t tell you if it was good bourbon since I am not a bourbon connoisseur, but it looked good.  The gin was tasty.  It has a wee bit less juniper and some additional herbs and it really worked.

In the actual distillery, we saw all the vats and machines and contraptions, as well as Martin the cat.  Our tour guide Paula said most distilleries have cats because they store grain, and where there is grain, there are rodents.  Martin is very friendly but was a little overwhelmed by the two toddlers that were there.


Since Merrillee did not partake in the tasting, she got to drive home.  Should we be scared since she is blind in one eye???   (She did just fine!)  Nice dinner and we taught Paul how to play cards… Skipbo.



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