Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 8, 2021 Sweet Carolyn



Last night, we walked around the property where our RV park is outside the teensy town of Comstock.  It has lots of boat storage (there is a reservoir nearby) and quite a few covered spots where RVs are set up, complete with sewer hookups.  We met a grizzled old man with a meager wispy gray beard and a 9mm pistol holstered around his chest.  He feeds animals until there are too many of them then he shoots them.  I came back and hugged our little black feline beast!

Around 8pm, a trailer pulled in next to ours with a cast of characters right out of Saturday Night Live.  Yep, this was the Texas redneck bunch, all grossly overweight with cigarettes dangling from their mouths and a few burps I am sure you heard all the way back home…  They were actually nice people but I hope they start cleaning up after their dogs…

When we woke, the winds were still blowing and the skies were threatening rain.  Spouse and I took a walk along an old road for about a mile.  Not much around but what is here has character with a few funny signs.

sure do need valet parking here...


When we got back, we readied Hannah and left our new neighbors before we even had breakfast.  We drove past the Amistad recreation area where the winds made it totally un-skiable!  In Del Rio, we found a WalMart and were able to restock on staples.  I now have tonic water!  YAY!

Staying on Hwy 90 east, we head towards San Antonio.  The desert and anything resembling a mountain is fading away and we actually see green.  Lots of green.  And trees!  And corn fields!  And…  a Dairy Queen… he just can’t help himself…

Tonite we had dinner with my cousin Carolyn.  We had never met before.  Her father and my father were brothers.  When we had a family reunion a couple of years ago in Chicago, she was unable to make it so since we were in the neighborhood, why not meet!  We had a great visit and I do hope to see her again.  She suggested we meet at Rudy’s BBQ, so we put it in the new GPS.  Turn right, left, get on the freeway, get off… about 7 miles.  Going home… it was about ½ mile!  We could have walked it!  If we were on one way streets, I could kind of understand, but that wasn’t the case. 

It is still windy, but… it is also a bit humid.  Something tells me as we get to the gulf coast, it will be a lot more humid!

We are staying at the Admiralty RV park near Sea World.  It is a high end park with several hundred spaces and a whole lot of fancy RVs.  Looks like more than half of them are set up for long term living.  I did see one trailer that brought a bunch of dead potted plants.  I wonder what that is all about…  Also, they have the SLOWEST wi-fi on the planet.  For a fee, you can upgrade.  I think not…

Also, should we be concerned about the plethora of advertising for hail repair damage to cars????



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