Saturday, May 29, 2021

May 28, 2021 Rainy day foot job

May 28, 2021

My humans keep leaving me all by myself.  MEOWT!  I need lizard meat!  I am all alone.  Oh no, my human brought little people over!  My human is holding me tight so I don’t attack the little humans.  They scare me.

Listen to that… hear it?  It’s rain.  I heard it off and on through the night.  We had talked about a hike this morning but the rain put an end to that thought.  Then it rained hard.  Then it lightened some and I put my rain poncho on and headed on my walk.  It rained lightly for most of the walk.  For a few minutes, I was able to take my hood off, but then it started again.  When I got back to Hannah, it poured!  Once again, timing is everything.

Since being outside does not appear to be an option, we decided to use the ‘RV facilities’ and get our laundry done.  When we leave here on Tuesday, everything will be clean like we are starting fresh.  It is great having a washer and dryer at our disposal!  Spouse even washed the cap of Hannah, getting lots of bugs off.  Strangely, we have not had many bugs on our windshield, yet Hannah has been getting hit.

Rudy wants to go outside.  Ever since he caught a salamander, he has been running to his chair for us to hook his leash on him.  This territory is gold to him.  He keeps rubbing his muzzle on my face as I am trying to write this.  Can you hear him purr?  His food bowl is full…  it is dark… he cannot go outside.  Could it be he possibly wants some attention?

Since it was a slow day, I decided to get a pedicure.  The girl was sweet, new to pedicures and definitely needs some seasoning.  She did an effective job, but it should have been more ah-some.  I showed them the design I had on my toes already and asked if they could replicate it.  They must have thought I was from Mars.  Needless to say, their creativity is totally lacking.   If I knew when I would be back, I would have my appointment with my favorite Tina ready to go!

P and M’s daughter Lauren came to dinner with the spouse and three kids, one of which is a tiny newborn.  The 2 and 4 year old wanted to meet Rudy so I took them to Hannah.  Rudy thought he was going to get to be outside, but when the kids got there, he no longer wanted to be outside.  I had to hold him tight while he gave them stink eyes as they petted him.  They were very gentle, and moved slowly (which was probably good for my health).  Rudy held himself together then ran and hid inside.  But now?  All is forgotten and he is purring at my side.


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