Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 11, 2021 USS Lexington




My humans took me outside today.  Not only did I get to eat grass, I got to throw it up too!

How shocking…  it is windy outside.  My morning walk took me along the beach.  Lots of walking to, lots of walking fro.  So many shoes have washed up on the beach.  I wonder about the stories they could tell about their travels.  I also see these puffy jelly fish that sail on top of the water.  I wish I could rescue them!


Today, 23 year old grandson Parker enters the navy.  In honor of that, we drove across the causeway to the Corpus Christi bayfront and toured the USS Lexington.  An aircraft carrier that saw lots of action in WWII is now a museum in the harbor.   Having toured the Midway in San Diego, I must say I was not enthralled with this idea but went along anyway.  Spouse loved looking at all the exhibits.  They had a great movie.  I got the choice of getting wet (I wondered why there were buckets all over and figured it was social distancing for Covid – wrong!), or sitting in an Arctic wind for the duration of the movie.  I sat in the Arctic wind and tried to cuddle with Spouse.  I moved my arms out of their sleeves and inside my light shirt and burned hundreds of calories as I shivered through the movie.  I must say, although touring another aircraft carrier is not my thing, I am totally impressed with the technology that was then, and is now.  Amazing!

The Corpus Christi waterfront is a rather interesting place.  Near the USS Lexington is the Aquarium.  And around the area are smaller run down motels, a few restaurants and a whole lot of road construction.  Across the bay, you can see the high rises, but you would think there would be more upscale development near these two huge attractions.  There wasn’t enough to keep us here, so we headed back.  After a stop at…  Walmart, and a killer lunch at a Mexican restaurant, we headed back to Hannah.


The forecast for tomorrow is RAIN, and it is a getaway day for us.  Won’t this be fun!

You know when you have a bug bite, and it itches, and you scratch it… You know you shouldn’t scratch but it feels soooo good to scratch it.  And you scratch hard, and harder til you scratched down to the bone but it still feels so good to scratch.  You all know what I mean, right? Let’s just say I have used a whole lot of antihistamine anti itch cream today…  Damn blood sucking varmints…

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