Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May 16, 2021 This is why we don’t make reservations…


May 16, 2021

There are these cute little flying critters.  I have been trying to catch one but they are fast.  I also so a human on top of a really big dog!  The dog kind of whinnied!  What a weird dog!


The skies are slightly threatening.  I know if I bring an umbrella on my walk, it will not rain.  Spouse starts out with me and we head over to a trail that takes us down the road past the equestrian center.  The water level is so high here, it is wet nearly to the sidewalk and there are lakes of water that are actually navigable through the woods.  The trail leads us to a beautiful park.  Spouse heads back, and I continue on.  Eventually, I end up roaming a residential neighborhood with the Louisiana style tract homes.  They do not look the same in many ways, but then they do.  They have brick facades and high pitched roofs, but then there are many variations.  The lots are decent sized and the landscaping is nicely manicured throughout.  It made for a pleasant walk.

Meanwhile, back at Hannah… Spouse is in an industrious mood, cleaning and fixing things.  I LOVE IT! We readied Hannah for departure. Baton Rouge has been a fabulous stop, but it is time to move on.  I have to say, I am surprised that we did not encounter any bugs.  I hear they spray for bugs.  Maybe that is why we saw a huge cancer institute…

Today we are heading to Biloxi… or are we…  Now… this is why we don’t make reservations.  In looking at the map, wouldn’t it be fun to go south and take one of those tiny roads all the way to the gulf?  I mean, who comes to Louisiana and does that?

We started east on I10, then switched to Hwy 61, then this then that.  It is rural and green.  Some big houses here, some tiny houses there.  A farm, a ranch, a tiny town.  Even an old plantation.  What trees!  Roadkill included opossum, armadillo and a fair sized gator.  We get to Thibidaux, which is a fairly large town and make a decision.  We were going to stay in Houma another 20 miles down the road, unhook Hannah and go exploring.  But now, let’s just stay hooked and see what we find. 

We stopped at the Walk Ons Sports Bar for lunch.  A gator wrap (sure hope it wasn’t from the roadkill we saw earlier) and crawfish etouffee.  I love fooooood.  But on we go.

We take a series of roads south and souther and more south.  We are on backroads, and even our backroads have more backroads! The road is only a few inches above the water level.  It seems as we cross over a bridge, the weight of our rig will sink the road and we will all be swimming!  As we pass the town of Golden Meadow, we see boat yards and fleets of fishing boats.  We notice there is a lock for passing upstream.  In the town of Leeville, we stop at a toll booth to cross a bridge.  The lady was so cute and gave Rudy some treats that he wolfed down right then.  Oh he does know how to charm the ladies…

And then the bridge… miles of bridge over the gulf.  We get a great view of all the grassy shoals, marshes and little islands.  Mariners sure need a good set of charts for this area as there looks like lots of shallow spots.  Back on terra firma, we are on a narrow spit of land heading northeast.  There is a small community of houses on stilts.  It seems the higher the stilts, the larger the boat is that is stored under the house.  The houses all have names that, I am sure, divulge some of the personality of the owner.  For example, ‘Julias Bright Idea’ is a bright yellow house.  ‘The Recovery Room’ must belong to a surgeon.  The ‘Eye Land Retreat’ must be an opthamologist.  Definitely creates topics of conversation.  Like what does ‘The Six Pack’ mean to you?  A fitness trainer?  A party animal?

A few small hotels, restaurants and lots of fishing.  There seems to be no division in class in the houses.  Along the waterfront, we see no huge mansions.  All the homes seem to somewhat similar in size.  We see poles and crab traps.  At the very tip of the spit is Grand Isle State Park.  And they had a space waiting just for us.  And it is only a short walk to the beach… with warm water… and really soft sand.  And the weakest Wi-Fi on the planet!  The spaces are a decent size with a few palms in case you need to hang a hammock, and nice grass.  There is even a laundry room!  State parks are some nice places.

We will get to Biloxi… I know we will!


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