Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday, July 11: The midwest... yawn

Friday, July 11, 2014

My morning walk took me along the road to the old route 66.  Tucumcari is just another town that got redefined when highway 40 replaced route 66.  Old motels and very little activity.  Spouse gave Rudy some outdoor time, with today being less eventful than yesterday.  Rudy pretty much just sat on Hannah's steps watching the activity.

We readied Hannah and left for one long boring drive.  The highlight was stopping in Amarillo at the Walmart's.  Spouse had to use one of the motorized shopping carts.  I thought he was a squirrel when he walked, but give him a handicap cart - with his walking cane hanging out ready to pick off anything that is on a shelf, he was impossible!  I was chasing him all over! 

Then, leaving Walmart we couldn't turn left so Spouse created his own route.  He saw a freeway sign and assumed it was hwy 40...  it wasn't, so he turned left knowing we would hit the main street... 30 minutes later, after following more of the original route 66 and ending up in downtown Amarillo, he finally looked at his GPS and got us back to the 40.  So far, it is the only time I have actually agreed with the GPS!

Did you know Texas is flat?  Leaving Texas and passing into Oklahoma, the flat continued but in a bit of a different way.  Pastures line the roads, but they are not flat.  Not exactly rolling hills, but rolling pastures of lush green.  It really is pretty, but 20 miles of it would be good instead of 120 miles.

 We pulled into an RV park in Oklahoma City.  Please, hold all tornados.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe pick up some fresh corn or whatever is growing there now? Hope Doug is feeling better!
