Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014 Ooops!

Monday July 28, 2014    

 Not sure of these two newcomers.  I will check them out in the dark of the night.

 Last night, both boys were down for the count by 8:30.  I thought I might get some reading done, but I was only an hour behind the boys.  We have been doing a lot of walking in DC.  Spouse is doing better with his walking.  Now, if he could only hear.

Then, my biggest fear of having the boys here was realized.  Spouse was snoring and I had no place to go.  I hope my pillow does not become a weapon...

Today, the plan is to head up to Baltimore and explore the waterfront, then go to the ballgame, Angels vs. Baltimore.  We mobilize the forces and head to Camden Yards to buy tix.  I walk up to the window and start the process.  What do you mean they are not playing tonite!  I checked the MLB website 3, 4 or 5 times to verify the dates when we made these plans months ago.  Oh, didn't you check the teams' websites?  They are playing tomorrow...  Oy, alas we are staying one extra day here!  We bought tix for tomorrow's game.  We checked out the ballpark and it is absolutely beautiful.  I have been to quite a few parks, but I think this has to rate as the most beautiful.  I will reassess once we get to our seats.

Next, on to the waterfront.  We are very close, but our mission is to find the aquarium where I am to meet up with my friend Nancy.  Surely, the GPS witch will help us... NOT!  We did the old fashioned thing... we asked someone!  Then the real challenge game... getting into the itty bitty parking structure with our biggy wiggy truck.  We had to wind our way up the first level.  The structure is narrow, narrow, NARROW.  I think we all closed our eyes (including Spouse).  Once we got through the winding, we had to search for a spot in the very low lot for 6 levels.  Our antenna only hit once so I am sure we had a couple of inches.

 We ultimately parked ($24 for 3 hours... ouch!).  The waterfront is a happening scene with dozens of restaurants, the aquarium, and various boating possibilities.  Boats are available for boarding (for a fee of course).  But these are specialty boats: a Coast Guard boat, a submarine and even a Civil War sailing ship.  Rent a paddle boat, cruise in a water taxi, or just walk the area and enjoy the view.


When Nancy arrived, Hunter went off to explore.  The rest of us went to eat.  I needed something with crabs in it.  We ate, we visited.  Nancy and I worked together a lifetime ago.  I actually hired her when I worked at Blue Cross.  This was about 30 years ago.  Now her kids are grown with kids of their own.  It was great to catch up.  And I must announce...  I officially did my first two phone texts today.  Spouse had an apoplectic attack. 
 I wanted to visit longer but Spouse was stressing about hitting rush hour traffic so we said our goodbyes and moved on.   Kind of...  Spouse can't find his credit card.  He is looking here, then there.  He is scrutinizing everything in his wallet.  He retraces his steps to the restaurant...  rush hour traffic is growing...  the restaurant does not have it... he looks.  Aha!  It is in his wallet!  Can you imagine what is in that wallet?  Ok, so we hit some rush hour traffic.  It's not like we had a date or anything.

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