Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 30, 2014 Are we there yet?

Wednesday July 30, 2014

I heard my maternal human talking about my window.  Tonite, I will prove that I can snuggle close to  my human without looking out the window.  I know I can do it.  Purrrrzzzz

Didn't get to sleep till almost 1 am last night.  Rudy came and snuggled which I loved.  But at the same time, he was so snuggly and he was gaining weight as he slept and I could not disturb him so I was frozen in place.  It was actually chilly and I moved a light blanket over us.  Rudy even relocated under the covers so I could be frozen in place with him closer to me.  Oh well, at least Spouse wasn't snoring much!

With it being getaway day, we wanted to get on the road so we got the boys up about 7:30.  This was not an easy feat!  Too bad, so sad.  By the time everyone was showered and Hannah was ready, it was almost 9:30.  And Spouse wanted to stop at a Cracker Barrel.  Ugh...  My diet has sucked.  I can list a few of the things that I really don't want:  anything fried, potatoes, pasta, bread.  Oh wait, those are all carbs... I have even had to eat some meat, which I really am not fond of but when options are limited, you gotta go with them.  And apple fritters... I don't care if they are fresh and warm.  I am DONE with them!  But tonite?  Nice fish and a salad.  My arteries will get a break.

 We set the GPS for the campground in Gettysburg.  From College Park (in DC) we head west on 495, then north on I270.  Then Samaaaantha, the GPS witch,  wants us to go up I70 to wherever then back over for about 85 miles.  What?  If we go north on state route 15, it's only about 40 miles.  So risking the wrath of Samaaaaantha, we went my way.  I was soooo right.  Once we got close, we let her bring us to the campground, but my paper map proved to be the better way.  At least Samaaaantha didn't lose her cookies like she did last night.

 The Gettysburg area is quite beautiful.  The rolling hills are used for agriculture.  Corn stalks way taller than me are ready for harvesting.  The battle fields have been preserved since the minute the battles ended.  The battles occurred on July 1-3, 1863, and the Confederacy came very close to winning.    But the Union ultimately prevailed.  Roughly 11,000 dead, 4 times that wounded.

We are at the Gettysburg Campground.  As it turns out, this was the same place we stayed when we took our boat trip in 2007.  It is a beautiful woodsy campground with a creek running alongside.  For us, we are in an end site right near the creek.  Each site has a fire pit, so it is a good hybrid of RV'ing and camping.  On the way up, Parker kept asking about the battle at Gettysburg and this, and that.  We told him he would get those answers when we got there.  And he kept asking...  I guess it is his version of 'Are we there yet?'

Spouse gave me a break by taking the boys to the battlefield while I hung with Hannah and Rudy.  It is a welcome respite, I must admit.  Since I have already 'been here and done that', I have no urge to do it again.  We are doing it for the boys since we think they will like it.  I think it is more of a guy thing anyway.  They are into war, weapons and all that kind of stuff.  I will go along tomorrow.

 For tonite?  A nice dinner and a fire in the fire pit.  Fire flies danced around us, the first the boys had ever seen. 

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