Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 8, 2014: One more omen

Tuesday July 8, 2014

 One more omen...

So many adversities facing us on this trip, but we will do what we can.

 Spouse wanted to get an early start on this Tuesday morning.  He didn't want to wait for me to do a walk, but when I woke up, he was snoring big time.  So off I went on my hike.  Forty minutes later, I get home and the snore-o-meter is still pegged.  Into the garage I go to clean Rudy's litter box.  Normally, we give him a few food morsels in the morning but I decided against that since we would be on the road.  However, as he raced me into the garage and jumped on his shelf, there was still food in his bowl from the night before and he started scarfing it up.  Oh well...

 Spouse finally gets up and we start getting ready.  We didn't hit the road till 9 am.  So much for an early start and getting across the desert early!  First thing on the agenda is for Spouse to fidget with his new GPS.  This will be an ongoing theme I fear.  As we are driving on 14 through Santa Clarita, Rudy starts licking his lips.  If a black cat could look pale, he looked pale.  I told Spouse I thought he was going to vomit.  I gave him a little water and he laid back down.  But I knew it was coming...

When we got onto the Pearblossom Hwy., Spouse needed to fidget more with his GPS.  Rudy jumped down by my feet.  I knew it was coming. 

"Spouse, I think Rudy is gonna crap.  I gotta get him back to Hannah.  You didn't lock Hannah did you?"


 Great, that means I have to run back and unlock Hannah, then return to get Rudy, and run back to Hannah all while traffic is buzzing by.  This ought to be easy.   I shall try...  I run and unlock Hannah.  Then I run back to the truck and poor Rudy is on his blanket in the back seat doing the deed.  Spouse is screaming like a little girl to get Rudy out.  Yeah right... I am going to take a cat in the middle of a big poop and spray it around the entire truck.  Better I just let him finish and then clean it up.

 Here we are, one hour into our trip, and another bad omen!  Rudy felt a lot better after that and settled in on the center console for the ride.  The long ride... across miles and miles of desert.  Boring desert... 

 When we stopped for lunch, we threw Rudy into Hannah as always.  He learned a new game...  If he hides under the bed, we will play with him to try and lure him out.  We taught him that if he does this, he gets to ride in Hannah on the highway.  Don't think he liked that too much!  It was only one mile, but he sure came when we called him after his wild ride!
As we crossed the Colorado River at Needles, it was 110 degrees.  As we made the climb to Kingman, it was down in the 70s with some rain.  We settled in Williams for the night.

Williams is a small town that boasts about its route 66 roots.  Considered as the gateway to the Grand Canyon, it has tons of tourists, a cowboy show in the streets and mediocre food.  But for us, it was home for the night.

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