Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26, 2014 Rudy goes to school

Saturday July 26, 2014

 Who are those strangers?  I checked them out while they slept.  I must keep my eyes on them...

 We slept past 7am this morning, actually till almost 8.  We got the kids up and Spouse made a good breakfast to fortify us for the day.  He also made sandwiches.  By the time we got on the road, it was almost 10am.

 We explained how to use the metro and started out at the White House.  It is kind of hard to believe that this is one of the most powerful places on the planet.  It really does not evoke much emotion in me.  The Wright Brothers museum gave me goosebumps.  The White House?  Ok, let's get a picture and move on.  We then set out to walk the national mall.  We pass the WWII memorial, then to the Viet Nam Memorial.  It is warm, it is crowded.  I am worried about Spouse and his bum legs but he seems to be hobbling ok.  We head to the Lincoln Memorial.

 From here is one of my favorite views of the DC area.  You see the reflecting pond, then the Washington Memorial, and behind that is the Capitol.  It really is quite breathtaking. 

At this point, we are kind of done with memorials, so we decide to hoof it to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.  Did I tell you that there are missing or hidden street signs?  With the map in my hand, it is still hard to navigate.  I am so frustrated I want to kick a politician!  I finally find our way to the entrance to the museum... and to the line waiting to go through security.  As we get close, we can feel the air conditioning!  YES!


The Air and Space Museum is overwhelming.  There is so much there from Lindberg's Spirit of St. Louis, to space capsules.  There is a Wright Brothers room, which once again, gave me goosebumps.  I had no idea I was so enamored with the Wright Bros!  We are tired, overwhelmed, burnt out... time to head home.

Spouse made a lovely dinner and we had Rudy on a leash outside.  Hunter said he was going to the pool area, which is about a block away from our trailer.  It was time to bring Rudy inside and Parker tells me that Hunter took Rudy with him to the pool.

 What??!!!  Spouse went to check and sure enough, Rudy was gone.  I asked him, are you ok with this?  Spouse did not seem too alarmed.  I panicked.  I raced down to the pool - it is quite a distance - and no Hunter.  I came back.  No Hunter.  Spouse was unloading the bike to go look.  I walked and started yelling for Hunter and he answered me.  He was in the next aisle over at the end with Rudy.  Rudy was laying in the grass.  Apparently, Hunter tried to pick him up to bring him back and he was hissing.  I walked over and picked him up and he was a limp kitty, thankful to be in his maternal human's arms.  I was actually surprised that he was so calm that far from Hannah.  Both boys love cats and they want Rudy to like them.  But, it takes time for cats to bond and they need to give Rudy his space.  It will happen as he is the type of cat that likes people.  Once we start riding in the truck again, I am sure Rudy will be in the back seat with them.

For now, I am thankful that he didn't panic and run off, even if he was on the leash.  And, I am also thankful that I did not have to kill a grandkid on the first day of their visit.

 Will Rudy ever be the same?

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