Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23, 2014 Re-wrighting my wrong

Wednesday July 23, 2014

 When I am in the small moving house, I sleep a lot.  Sometimes between my humans, sometimes behind my humans.  Today I wanted to be on my humans.  It is exhausting sleeping all day.  When I get put back in the big house, I normally have to sleep more so I can recover.

 A pleasant breeze blew through Hannah all night long.  It reminded me of being on our boat.  It wasn't cold, but it wasn't hot either.  In the morning, it looked like it would rain, but it didn't.  On my walk, I checked out the Rodanthe pier.  They want $2 to sight see off the pier.  I didn't have any money with me but I wouldn't have paid for that anyway.  As a California girl, the last thing I need to do is pay to go out on a pier like I do regularly at home for free.  But I guess they must get some takers.

We readied Hannah, and then Spouse broke the news... The kitchen drain broke...  no water in that sink until we can get it fixed.  I hate when that happens.  We headed north on 12 to 158.  Since we would be passing the Wright Bros museum again, we figured we would do a quick stop for some pictures.  I couldn't believe how excited I was to be back in front of the replica of the plane.  Without totally hiking the property, I got a few pix and we moved on. 



Continuing north on 158, it cuts back over to the mainland.  From the beaches, we pass into agriculture and small homes on large sites.  I fight regularly with the GPS.  But, she is right sometimes.  I wanted to take 168 into Norfolk then cut over to 64.  The GPS witch wanted me to stay on 158 (which headed south) over to Hwy 17, then into Norfolk.  In my mind, why head south only to head north, so we stayed on 168.  But....  as we got close to Norfolk, we see that 168 turns into a tollroad.  Spouse has the GPS set up to avoid tollroads (no surprise there!) if possible, so this time, she was right.  But then she told us to get off 64 on some 35 mph side road.  I bitch slapped her and we found 64 again.    We got to 95 and headed north.  Once we got close to our destination, we let the GPS witch take us to the address, through Washington, DC rush hour traffic.

 Rudy wanted to sit on my lap, and of course, I let him.  It is amazing how he goes into such a deep sleep.  Then he gains weight... lots of weight... and my back starts hurting, then my hips.  But I don't dare disturb him as he is too cute and cuddly.

It is hot.  It is muggy.  Our space is tiny and we need our neighbors to move cars so we can maneuver into the space, and we struggle even with that, but Spouse gets Hannah in place and we set up.

Oh, did you know that if you empty a can of black beans in a big bowl, then use a small bowl to cover the beans, then microwave them, you create a seal that cannot be penetrated?

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