Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 19, 2014 - On to the Weavers' house

Saturday July 19, 2014

 Wow... what the heck is all this?  Where is MY HUMAN?!!!

Woke up and there were a few sprinkles.  After my walk, we hit the road heading for Butch and Lynn's.  They were not much more than an hour away.  The GPS worked fine getting to their house, for which there is no direct access.  You have to turn north, south, east then west, then do it again.  It is in the basic vicinity of Fayetteville, near the Ft. Bragg military base.  Pass a few tobacco fields, some cotton fields then turn right again, then left. 

Ultimately, we did get there.  We backed into their driveway and when Spouse went to straighten out Hannah, for some reason, he could not hear me on the walkie talkie and he backed into the rain gutters on Butch's garage.  Good thing Butch is getting new rain gutters next week!  Timing is everything!  Since their driveway has a bit of slope, we unloaded stuff so we could stay in the house (including Rudy) and parked Hannah at the local policed station where it is more level and was only a quarter mile away.

I used to work with Butch many years ago.  Then our companies merged and I still worked with him.  We did a lot of business travel and Lynn would come with Butch some times, just as Spouse would come with me on occasion.  He is getting ready to retire and moving to SC from Ohio was his first step.  He works from home now.  They live right on the lake.  The basement of their house is essentially a stand -alone apartment with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchenette and living room, not to mention a room with all toys and tools and garage type stuff.  We cordoned off space for Rudy.  He was a little scared at first; he was hiding under the bed.  But once I looked under the bed and called him, he recognized his human and came out and started acting more normal.  Essentially, the entire lower level is ours.  Gotta love it!

The lower level exits to the back yard and to the dock.   Butch has kayaks.  As a matter of fact, he teaches kayaking so after showing Spouse how to do rolls, Butch and I took off around the lake.  It is warm water and very beautiful.  I could get into this...


Spouse brought Rudy outside and he was terrified!  When it started to rain, we went upstairs to the screened in patio.  Rudy was still terrified, so I finally put him back in our bedroom where he felt more secure.  Rudy is very adaptable, but even he has his limits.  His maternal human will take care of him...


B and L drove us around the neighborhood and to the town of Southern Pines.  We also went to Pinehurst, home of the US Open golf tournament for both the men and the women. Yes, THE Pinehurst!   It was held just last month.  We stopped at the stately Carolina Hotel which boasts a gallery of photos from golf history.  It is a very elegantly southern hotel... and my inner plant thief came out and I clipped a couple of coleus plants...  I just can't help myself!  Lynn has them sitting in water till they root.


It has been a wonderful break and a great visit and will continue into tomorrow.

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