Monday, July 21, 2014

July 18, 2014 Sapphires, rain and a GPS bitch

Friday July 18, 2014

It is barely light and I know I can squeeze in between my humans.  Or not...

Woke up to rain; a moderate steady rain.  It was 7:30.  I never sleep this late but since it was still somewhat dark, I slept in.  I loved it.  But, fat knows no holidays so a walk I must take, and I did. 

We had talked about going into the Smokies... with the rain, that was obviously out.  The hike to Chimney Rock was out.  But a trip to the Pressley mine for sapphires had possibilities, so we readied Hannah for departure and headed back the way we came on I 40 for about 15 miles.  We turned here, then there and finally made it to the road up to the mine but Hannah would NO way make it up the road.  So I left Spouse with Rudy (and unfortunately the camera) on the road and hoofed it up the trail about a quarter mile to the mine.  As I started up the street, what sounded like 100 dogs started barking and howling.  It sounded like a horror movie, but on I marched.

 I so wish it wasn't raining as I would love to hike around there but it wasn't going to happen.  A little orange kitty met me and I walked inside to see just a small sampling of what has been collected in the mine.  Mainly star sapphires of a variety of colors are found.  The host rock is a white feldspar.  I ended up buying a bucket of dirt that the owner collected and used their sluice to clean my bounty.  It was fun.  My bucket had several rocks with the sapphires in it but how do you get the sapphires out?  I do some lapidary stuff, but this was way outside of my world.  So you pay to have the do it... good gig huh?  We shall see what gets sent to my house... I kept some of the raw rocks to see if someone in my mineral society has the skill, but at a minimum, I might polish the rocks some and put them in my plants.  In any event, the cats were cute, the experience was fun and I loved the rain falling on the tin roof!  I would do it again in a heartbeat!

 I hiked back to Hannah, and to the canine serenade, then we started heading to Butch and Lynn's house in Whispering Pines, South Carolina.  East on I40 in steady rain.  More green... when will it ever end...   At least the cacophony of blooming crape myrtles break up the scenery some.  When we turned south on 77, the rain subsided and became intermittent to non-existent.  When we got near Charlotte, I started having major disagreements with the GPS.  We fought and fought.  We proceeded based on the paper map.  When we approached the tiny town of Abermarle on hwy 27, we saw on the GPS that there was an RV park within 5 miles.  When we tried to get the GPS to send us there, she (the bitch) would say it is 61 miles!  Obviously she was trying to take us to a main highway but that is NOT what we wanted. 

By now, we are exhausted and frustrated.  We saw a Wal-Mart and pulled in and called it a day.  Wal-Mart allows RVs to park in their lots for no cost.  Since we are fully self contained, we had no problems with stopping, having dinner and kicking back.  It is not a garden spot, but we were both so tired, we didn't care!  I have determined that I like paper maps...

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