Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 25, 2014 Holocaust and airport all in one day

Friday July 25, 2014

 Go ahead and clock me.  I can still run from one end to the other in no time fast!  My name should be ZOOM!

Rudy is full of piss and vinegar this morning.  He is tearing all over the place.

 We were looking to get an early start today.  Having been to DC a couple of times, I have been to all the monuments, the white house, congress, etc.  But I hadn't been to the Holocaust museum.  But, if you do not have advance tickets, you must get there a little early, since the entries are all timed.

My mom's cousin (Lenore -Lyn- Meyerhoff) was very instrumental in getting the funding for the museum.  There is an auditorium named for the Meyerhoffs.  Lyn was pretty amazing.   She was a UN delegate at one point, and was on a first name basis with Golda Meir and Netanyahu.  I read a touching article about her by her daughter, Lee Hendler I believe her name is.  Quite an amazing woman.

Back to our day...  The first step is to navigate the metro parking lot.  Nailed that pretty easy, then getting the Smartcard and loading money.  That was a little challenging but we finally figured that out.  Then getting from point A to point B.  For Spouse's sake, I am glad I was with him...  I think he gets it now though.

 Exiting at the Smithsonian station, we walked a couple of blocks to the museum.  Spouse seems to be walking better finally, so it looks like he has turned a corner.  We shall see...

The museum was extremely emotional, and extremely cold!  I was so glad I was not in shorts and that I had a long sleeve shirt!  We spent about 3 1/2 hours there and left only because we were starving.  We had seen most of it but we could have kept on.  Instead, we ate, then made our way back.  The grandkids come in tonite so we wanted to rest up before they got here...

Now, about that trip to the airport... GPS ultimately got us there, but I think it was not the most direct route.  And the sun was in our eyes, the street signs are not always visible and....  but we got the grandkids.  Then we decided to take them on a scenic tour of DC... Did I mention that the street signs, if they ARE there, are not always visible?  And it was CROWDED?  And the traffic was unbearable? 

 Although the idea seemed good, it was a failed idea.  Now we are stuck in this gridlock, heading with the GPS bitch back home.  Had to throw some food at the kids, and we did not get back till about 11:30.  It was after midnight by the time we got them situated.  I betcha we won't get an early start tomorrow...

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