Friday, July 11, 2014

July 9, 2014 On the road... some more

Wednesday July 9, 2014

 I woke up to being cold.  Needed a blanket and it was quite refreshing.  Spouse ended up sleeping on the couch as his bad leg was giving him grief.  I slept really well!  With my other guy, Rudy.
I took my walk through the town.  Walking from one end to the other and back took me less than 30 minutes.  When I got back to Hannah, Spouse had Rudy out on a leash.  Now that we have had Rudy for a full year, he seems a bit more attached to us.  Not that he wouldn't take off after something, but he seems more comfortable around Hannah.
Our route today would be up to the Grand Canyon, then across to Farmington for the business part of our trip.  This route is a few miles shorter than the main highways, but not really any faster due to the speed limits.  But it is far prettier.

 So up we go, this time leaving by 7:20 am.  We pulled over at the Grand Canyon to enjoy the view while we ate a bowl of cereal.  Spouse set up a chair over the big ditch while I did some walking on the trail along the rim. 

The Grand Canyon is far more majestic than any picture that you have seen.  Not only is there the main canyon that is depicted in photographs, but there are several other canyons that feed into the big one.  It is magnificent to see the gazillions of game trails that cross the slopes.  As a hiker, you can stand right on the end with nothing to stop your fall.  Pretty impressive.

We have been here several times, and this beauty never gets old.   But the rest of the drive across the mesas... as beautiful as it is, it makes for a long ride.  What seems like 80 hours later, we arrive in Farmington and do our business.  It was a very long and tiring day.

Spouse is barely ambulatory... Rudy is good...  I am still alive.

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