Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 20, 2014 The visit continues

Sunday July 20, 2014

 Not sure where I am but my humans are here so I will snuggle.  I must be safe here.

 I woke to rain.  It doesn't rain too much here, but it was a good steady rain.  I sat with Butch in the screened patio room and enjoyed coffee.  When the rain stopped, Lynn and I walked.  After breakfast, we decided to go to the indoor skydiving place near Ft. Bragg. 


Indoor skydiving involves fans the size of Texas blowing up and people flying around practicing sky diving maneuvers.  Today, it was actually military training.  I wanted to do it but it was booked, so I just watched.  It looked like so much fun!  Then we went to find Old Town Fayetteville... never did find it, but we did find a place for lunch.  When we got home, Lynn and I set out to play nine holes of golf at a local course, while we left the men to do what manly men do... they napped.   


Knollwood Village Golf Course is more of an executive course, but I totally enjoyed it.  I could feel the bugs chewing on me but I didn't care because I was on a golf course with my sticks by my side and I was playing!  I even enjoyed the rain that started on the sixth hole.  It came and went till we finished.  I shot a 46.  My evil twin did show up a few times... bitch!


When we got home, the neighbor was over and cocktails were served.  It is not hot, and not cold, the lake is in the background, good company, chips and salsa on the table and cocktails... what more can a person want!

It is amazing how time gets away from you in the summer.  It is nearing 8PM and we do need to think dinner!  Quick, Chinese take out...  Not my favorite but it did the trick!

Tomorrow we leave heading north.

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