Thursday, July 10, 2014

Prelude to the 2014 Road Trip

The Prelude to the 2014 Road Trip:

Should we really be doing this?  We have been planning a road trip to Nova Scotia for about a year now.  If we were to leave the Monday after the July 4th weekend, we would allow plenty of time to cross the country, visit friends along the way and beat any weird weather.  We figured that the best time in NS would be August.  Then we would take our time coming home making for a 3 month trip roughly.

 Then, Spouse said let's fly the grandkids in and take them to the Baseball Hall of Fame.  And we could have them for 2 weeks.  Two weeks?  Are you kidding?  Even my stepdaughter (the boys' mother) thought this was a bit ambitious!  But Spouse was insistent.  It's not that they are not good kids.  They are good.  But 2 (TWO) weeks?  In a small trailer?  ugh... Ok, so if we leave July 7, and we stop here, then there... let's fly them into Washington D.C. on 7/25.  We can hang there for a few days.  Then, the Angels are playing in Baltimore!  Yes!  Then we can head to Gettysburg, then to Cooperstown.  Then we can do this and that and fly them out of Boston.   Then, life will return to normal and onward we would go...  Flights are paid for, friends are coordinated with.  We are all dialed in.  No backing out now.

But, about two weeks before departure, things started happening.  Our garage doors died.  Quick, let's get new ones.  The spa's intake mechanism broke.  Quick, get that repaired.  I have been trying to resolve some health issues, but that was not going according to our time schedule.  A week before departure... Merilee from Tennessee calls to tell us that something came up and they would be leaving pretty much as we would be arriving.  Time to do some rerouting.  Then Spouse wakes up with an absessed tooth.  Quick to the dentist!  Only part of that could be completed as they have to wait 3 weeks before determining if a root canal is needed.  That doesn't fall within our time schedule.  Hopefully, the tooth will survive the trip!  Quick! Those sprinklers need to be fixed.  The straw that broke the camel's back... Spouse fell off a ladder while waxing Hannah.  Leaving a puddle of blood on the sidewalk, I helped him hobble inside and clean himself up.  At four the next morning, he went to the emergency room to see if something was broken as he was in a lot of pain.  X-rays were negative, but he needed crutches to walk.  At this point, if the grandkids were not in the picture, the trip would be cancelled, but we decided to try and make it happen. 

 But we gave up on leaving Monday.  The gremlins won that round.  However, Tuesday was a possibility.  We figured that my health issue was not going to be resolved any time soon.  The first several days would essentially on the road, so Spouse wouldn't need to walk much so maybe we can make that happen. 

 So join us and find out:  Will Spouse's tooth survive the trip?  Will Leslie need to go to Urgent Care along the way (hiatal hernia so I am told)?  Or will Leslie need to fly home at some point for tests?  Will Rudy give a crap?  Will grandkids survive?  Will grandparents survive?  Will we actually make it to Nova Scotia?  Will Spouse ever be ambulatory again?


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