Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 21, 2014 Rain rain go away

Monday July 21, 2014

 My humans left that far door open.   They moved all my stuff.  What about me?  What's going on?  WHERE ARE MY HUMANS?

I enjoyed early morning coffee with Butch, then we headed out for a walk.  There were raindrops, and thunder but  we finished our walk without getting wet to any degree.  Spouse and I gathered all our stuff, cleaned up, then loaded up Butch's car to take us back to Hannah.  Last to load  was Rudy.  He was very anxious with all the movement and all of his stuff gone.  So when I called him, he came running at full speed to his maternal human.  We loaded him in the car and drove back to Hannah.  This wasn't Rudy's truck and he didn't know what to make of it, but it was so short of a ride, he didn't get a chance to figure that out. 

 No sooner did we get stuff loaded into Hannah, the rain started.  Heavy rain...  We said our goodbyes to our wonderful, gracious hosts, Butch and Lynn and headed out into the rain; on to Hwy 1 north towards Raleigh.  And it rained... it poured... it stopped, it poured.  In Raleigh, we caught 64 east heading for the Outer Banks towards Kitty Hawk.  Then, we stopped for gas...  it was NOT the cheapest which put Spouse in a bad mood already.  But then, since we were at a truck stop, they tried to charge Spouse for someone else's pump.  Let's just say Spouse educated her... he was writhing in pain over paying .04 per gallon more than the other gas station... will he ever let it go...

The Outer Banks is a series of sand spits that separates the mainland from the Atlantic Ocean.   We found an RV park and made a reservation.  We figured it was summer, this was a vacation resort area, and we may get shut out if we just show up.  So we had our spot, we just had to get there... more rain... more green... more beautiful crape myrtles.  As we pushed east, we started seeing agriculture.  Corn, sweet potatoes and who knows what else but it was a welcome break from the green!   Continuing east, we cross the Alligator River, then the Croatan Sound to Roanoke Island, then made our final crossing over to the Outer Banks.  Any more east and we would be in the Atlantic Ocean!  Right on Hwy 12 to our campground.  Our site backs right up to Abemarle Sound where we watch people fishing and paddleboarding.  There is a mild breeze and it is quite comfortable.  Top it off with a vodka tonic and life is good!  Oh!  Look at that kid with a crab pot!  Hmmmm.... crabs....


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