Friday, July 11, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014 Let's start for Nashville

Thursday, July 10, 2014

While I did my morning walk on the streets of Farmington, Spouse finished the business we needed to do so we could get back on the road.  Spouse can barely walk  I am having to help him with  everything he normally does around the trailer.  He is good for taking Rudy out for a walk, well maybe not for a walk, but he ties his leash to Hannah's steps so Rudy can sniff the plants.  While I was gone, Rudy almost got in a fight with another cat and almost got hit by a truck.  Other than that, Spouse is a good cat father...

For me, the vacation part of this trip does not begin until we get to our friends' house near Nashville.  So today, we drive... and we drive... and we drive.  We leave Farmington on hwy 64 east, catching 550 south towards Albuquerque.  Lots of high desert, then some agriculture and more high desert... yawn... let me take a nap...  And I must say, I do NOT agree with Spouse's GPS...

About an hour later, the high desert gets some green.  Sage and pinons cover the topography, followed by scenic mesas and buttes in grays, browns and bright reds.  Although the road is a highway, it feels like we are in a canyon with stunning cliff structures.  Since we are passing through various Indian reservations, there is no development to speak of, save for a couple of tiny towns.

 As we get near Albuquerque we stop for lunch.  Spouse is ecstatic at getting diesel for $3.53 a gallon.  But what if it is cheaper closer to Albuquerque?  OY!  My turn to drive.  My last memory of driving this way was during rush hour traffic, towing the boat and having Spouse doing his cheap gas dance... We ran out of gas that time, but not this time.  East on 40 we head... yawn... yawn... yawn...

 Rudy spends his time either curled up on the center console, or on the back seat, or curled up on whichever human is sitting in the passenger seat.

As Spouse fidgets with the GPS, he ultimately goes to our PAPER RV directory to determine where we will stay.  We stop for the night in Tucumcari, New Mexico.  Rudy must inspect every window.  He is intrigued by his constant change of scenery. 

We are at the beginning of the midwest... which pegs the bore-o-meter...

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