Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 29, 2014 Angels/Baltimore: The Re-do

Tuesday July 29, 2014    
I like to look outside the bedroom window.  I crawl up and snuggle with my maternal human while I look out the window because it is good PR, but I confess, the window is my attraction.  Lots of birdies there.
So glad you can tune in for the current episode of 'As the Spouse Snores'.
The morning is quite cool and a little breezy.  This morning is to be a lazy event since we will not leave for the ballgame till about 3.  I lay in bed because Rudy is snuggling as he looks out the window.   I finally move him so I can get up.
After my walk and a shower, I figured it would be a good time for laundry.  At 10, I rouse the boys, who would probably sleep another 6 hours if we let them.  I get their laundry and Parker and I head to the clubhouse laundry room.  I could not believe that Parker stayed the whole time and actually helped!  What kind of 16 year old male does that?
 Spouse, the enterprising soul that he is, sells his metro pass for $5.  It still had $5.65 on it but even he has his limits of how cheap he can be.  Hard to imagine, huh?
We clean and get things in order since it will be a late night.  We then head off to Camden Yards.  Spouse had saved the location of the parking lot at Camden, but the GPS could not find it.  I hate that thing at times.  He found the ballpark on the GPS so we used that to get us there.  We were expecting lots of traffic, but we didn't get it.  Consequently, we arrived about an hour before the gates opened.  We killed time talking to other fans.

Camden Yards is a beautiful ballpark right near the Baltimore inner harbor, and right next to the Baltimore Ravens football stadium.  They share parking lots.  Seeing the Angels in Baltimore is a true treat.  The food?  Well, let's just say that as a vegetable whore, the food was extremely limited.  Compared to other parks I have attended, Camden Yards had the least variety of food, and what they had was...  pretty much fried.  The boys love it, Spouse loved it, I managed through it.

It was amazing to see how many people were wearing Mike Trout jerseys.  There were far more fans lined up on the Angels side of the field trying to get autographs than there were on the Baltimore side.  Make no mistake, the Baltimore fans are rabid, but the appreciation of Mike Trout's talent was evident.  I asked a group of 'Trouters' if they were Angel fans or just fans of Trout.  They said Trout, since he grew up next to them.  'He's a good boy'. 

Unfortunately, the boys were unable to get autographs but I got a great picture of the fish himself! 
Our seats were great, between home plate and third base on the Angels' side.  So many of my friends liken baseball to watching grass dry, but I have been a fan ever since I was a kid.  It has been a while since I have been to a game and it was exciting to be back 'home'.  The lead changed hands several times and the game went into extra innings.  Ultimately, the Orioles won on a walk off home run by Manny Machado in the 12th inning. 
On that note, we left the park, walked to our car (which was about a quarter mile away), and got out onto the street with incredible ease and hopped back on to I95.
The GPS was set for home and it has done well getting us back home, but we noticed it was stuck on 21 miles to go for a while.  Spouse messed with it and it recalculated to 8 miles.  Good thing we knew our way from this point as the GPS witch (her real name is Samantha, and that is a witch from the old TV series Bewitched.  Our GPS witch is just a little schizophrenic), anyhow, the witch wigged out!  At one point she said 'minus thirty forty six feet to go'.  Huh?  It is close to midnight, maybe she is turning into a pumpkin?  Is she tired?  Has she been drugging?  What will tomorrow hold for the schizo queen?  Tune in and find out...
Best news of the day... It was announced that Vin Scully would return for another season with the Dodgers. YES!

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