Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday July 15, 2014 - Nashville

Tuesday July 15, 2014

 My paternal human left the door open and I am free!  Look at that tree!  It is mine... yes!  Hmm... paternal human is reaching for me, I better go higher.  Look at the view.  Wait!  Paternal human has my toy!  I must go for it!  Why am I back inside?  Meow!

 As we got into bed last night, there was a steady rain and a few claps of thunder.  The night had cooled off so no need for the air conditioner .  It was heaven.  Too bad I had to insert my 'anti-spouse-killlers' into my ears (ear plugs).

 My walk took me around the neighborhood.  What's that itch?  oooohhhh scratch it.  Darn, it itches again.  Oh oh...  I took a look at my legs and it looks like I have chicken pox!  Both legs have bites all over them!  Must have come when I went out in the horse pasture for one of Merrillee's horses.  ARGH!!!!

When I returned from my walk, Spouse had let Rudy outside.  Although he was watching him, this was not like the open space at the Tom Sawyer park.  Rudy wanted trees and had them.  Once Spouse started playing with one of his feather toys, he came down within reach and we were able to curfew him.  But he wanted out.  Spouse may have created a monster!

We got Merrillee moving and headed down to Nashville for the day.  First stop was at Antique Archaeology which is one of the stores from the American Pickers tv show.  Spouse watches it all the time.  The store is in the old Marathon Automobile plant.  The building was built in 1881, and Marathon moved in 1907.  Who knows when they moved out but the building has been somewhat refurbished and artsy little stores have moved in.  I know they love having the Picker's shop there as it brings in a whole lot of people.  There was a bunch of old dusty crap in my opinion.  Spouse was commenting on some of the inventory since he saw them purchased on the program.  I was proud that he did not buy one thing - not even the mummified wolfboy!  Gotta stop that scratching.



Then to downtown 2d and Broadway.  This area has tons of eateries and nightclubs.  Even though it was lunch time, there was lots of live music in the bars.  We ate at Jacks BBQ which was quite the hot spot.  Custom cowboy boots are the big thing here and we went in many of the shops.  I cannot stand wearing boots but these were pieces of art and it was fun looking at them.  And the music...  From what I hear, it is totally crowded at night.  We went past the Ryman Auditorium then back for music, then down to the waterfront.  Spouse is walking much better but he is pretty slow.  Parking was kind of weird though.  You predict how long you will be there then pay accordingly.  4 hours, 6 hours or more, and if you go over your time, you may find a boot on your car and it won't be a cowboy boot! Scratch, scratch, scratch.



By now, Spouse was walked out and it was late afternoon.   We stopped by the Opryland Hotel to check out the RV parking.  Since we didn't get there today, we figured we would stop on our way out of town tomorrow.  We were there 30 years ago but we would like to see it again.


When we got back to the house, Spouse had left our freezer door opened.  I am so glad it was him that did it instead of me...  I now have ammo for the future...

After dinner with P and M and the other daughter, Avery and her fiance, we are getting ready to move on.

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