Saturday, September 26, 2015

A hike in the Pinnacles

September 25, 2015

My maternal human calls them kwale.  I call them toys and I want one!

This morning, we are going to take one of the hikes in the park.  We decide not to disconnect the truck, and get the bikes off the rack.  I have to question why we did this.  We have never been here before, we have no idea what the roads are like, and we have no idea where we are hiking.  And Spouse, the fidgetmeister, has to add another thing to his Zombie Apocalypse  Backpack.   Oh, then another thing,  and one more thing.  Finally, off we go.  We had heard it was only a couple of miles to the Pinnacles so how bad can this be?

The road is a nice black top road with easy hills.  Oaks provide some shade, but it is only 8:30 and still quite cool.  We see signs to the trail heads and decided to go for the Old Pinnacles trailhead almost 2 miles away.  Piece of cake.  We lock up our bikes and start the hiking to Balconies Cave.  The trail is somewhat easy.  It weaves through dry arroyos and oak trees.  It is very thirsty here.  What looks like walnut trees still have fruit, but every leaf has dried up.  The trail narrows a bit and we pass through several more small arroyos.  In the spring, this would mean we would get wet most likely crossing.  After about 2 miles we see an intersection of trail where the Cliffs trail meets the Cave trail.  We met some people on the trail that said to do it, so after the cave, we figured we would.

Until now (about 2.7 miles), the trail has been fairly easy.  Now comes the fun part.  Out with the flashlights and into the cave.  Here, we have to channel our inner monkey and do some climbing up rocks, under boulders, and around slabs.  It gets narrow is spots.  It isn't clear if there is another way out but I see a few vague white arrows pointing the way, so I correctly assume that we go out a different way then we came in.  It was a whole lot of fun.  We then got on the Cliff ridge trail.  There is a lot of climbing, and the sun is getting real hot.  There is not a lot of shade. Here we get some pretty impressive vistas of the canyons and the rocky pinnacles.  We should see a condor to top it all off, but that didn't happen.  Beneath the shade of a huge boulder, we sat on a rockface and enjoyed our lunch drinking in the view.  It is sometimes difficult getting Spouse to move once he stops to rest.  I got out my handy crowbar, pried him up and we continued...  I am starting to hear the grumbles... 'Are we there yet?".  There is more shade now then there was this morning (thankfully).  It is very warm, in the 90s.   Spouse is lagging a bit behind me but we make it back to the bikes.  Oh goody, we get to ride back to Hannah after our 6 1/2 mile hike!

There is not as much shade as there was this morning and the black top is hot!  Good thing we only have a couple of miles to go.  Did I mention it was hot?  We got back to Hannah and thought about completing our triathlon by swimming in the pool here.  But that would require walking...  the water part of our triathlon was a good shower!

Note to the Pinnacles campground peeps:  when you label your electric box with 50 amps, how about actually supplying the 50 amps!  Don't get pissed when we go to your main to find out what is happening only to discover you are supplying only 30 amps.  On 30 amps, we KNOW we cannot run the air conditioner AND the microwave at the same time.  At 50 amps, we can.  Boneheads...  It is hot!

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